Season 14, Story 3/6, Serial 4P: 4 x 25min episodes, 30th October to 20th November 1976, Writer: Robert Holmes, Director: David Maloney, Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe

"Through the millennia, the Time Lords of Gallifrey led a life of peace and ordered calm, protected against all threats from lesser civilisations by their great power. But this was to change. Suddenly and terribly, the Time Lords faced the most dangerous crisis in their long history..."
Do we like this scrolling beginning? A whole year before Star Wars no less.

Though obviously long after the old Saturday matinee serials both pinch from.

If you recall, the Doctor's just unceremoniously dumped his best friend, Sarah Jane Smith, on the streets of Aberdeen, to obey the call back to Gallifrey.
He's still persisting with that popular wooden-style console room with the rubbish console.

Room? Maybe. Console? Ugh.
En route, he's suddenly gripped by a vision of death!
It's the Panopticon, and a deadly assassination...

The vision over, he picks a handy spot to keel over.
Gallifrey's got really grubby and shabby since we were last here. Preferred the Olympian version.

Guard Commander Hildred secures the TARDIS ahead of the arrival of the Gallifreyan chief of police, or Castellan, Spandrell.
When Hildred identifies the Doctor's TARDIS as a type 40, and calls it "obselete", the Doctor gives his trusty timeship a reassuring pat on the console. "Twaddle! Pay no attention, my dear old thing!"
Spandrell wants the occupant interrogated once the TARDIS has been impounded.
First thing's first, though, it's Presidential Resignation day.
The Doctor's vision suggests the President may be exiting stage left in a rather more permanent way.
He's talking to himself again. I really wish Tom had been allowed the talking cabbage. This would have been immense.

The Time-Lords' equivalent of Majel Barrett tells the Castellan that all but one of the old type 40s were decommissioned.
The Castellan discovers that the TARDIS' occupant is a convicted criminal... Hildred better have his wits about him.
Set stasers to stun!
The Doctor handwrites a warning to the Castellan...
...but how's he going to get past the invading chancellery guard?
"Cash and carry, Constantinople!"
Very sneaky! He's mocked up a dummy of himself to distract the guards while he slips past them.

As he makes his - scarfless! - getaway, a cloaked figure guns down a guard to facilitate his escape.

To be fair I s'pose it was a bit like the dreaded "mid-season finale" of modern times as there was a break over Xmas between this and The Face of Evil!
The Doctor sets the lift off as a diversion that Hildred and co. totally fall for.
Engin's such a loveable old duffer. He relates the details of the Doctor's exile to Earth, and subsequent pardon, which tips the Castellan the wink that his quarry has ties to Gallifrey's CIA (Celestial Intervention Agency).

Yes and no; he caused it with continuity errors, others came up with the theory to fit the facts!
The Time Lords are divided into "Chapters", and the Doctor is a Prydonian, as signified by the seal over which he's signed his letter to the Castellan.
As the guards search every floor of the tower, having followed the lift, the Doctor returns to his TARDIS. His shadowy stalker's verdict? "Predictable as ever, Doctor..."
Following the Prydonian link, the Castellan seeks assistance from Chancellor Goth, played by Bernard Horsfall. Always quality.

Goth fancies a quick look at the TARDIS before his meeting with the Cardinals. "Extraordinary to think an old Type Forty is still operational."
The Doctor tunes into the local news, reported by old school chum Runcible.

Interesting that as he sets the scene, Runcible describes their ceremonial robes as "seldom worn".
All the Chapters are represented and colour coded, "the scarlet and orange of the Prydonians, the green of the Arcalians, the heliotrope of the Patrexes, and so on..."

Runcible gets short shrift from the imperious Cardinal Borusa, who doubles as Turlough's headmaster in his spare time, and if Runcible's colour-coding is to be believed is a Patrex, NOT a Prydonian...
"Oh, get off!"
Goth orders the TARDIS transported to the Panopticon...
...allowing the Doctor to get at the costume department...
In the catacombs, a shadowy conspirator meets with his master...
...who looks a bit like Skeletor.

Yeah; would have been brilliant IMO.

Skeletor claims to know the Doctor of old...
The Castellan is less than impressed with his guard commander's failures, especially in light of the Doctor's scarf abandonment.
They know who to look for, but who would stop Gold Usher? Whoever that is...
With no hospital in sight the Doctor resorts to pinching clothes from the Time-Lord green room to switch the Gold Usher clobber as a decoy.
Tim @parks8472 · He does like stealing clothes, doesn't he? LOL
MAW Holmes @MAW_H · Well, he's a "convicted criminal..." at least he's not (yet) got stranded in a garden on "pants wash" day.
As Runcible prepares for his big broadcast, our shadowy conspirator arranges a camera malfunction.
The Castellan finds that someone else has been digging in the Doctor's personal records.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly It was probably Ian Levine.
The cloaked renegade prepares to make his move... the President readies his resignation speech, which he fancies contains a few surprises.
In need of a low profile...
...the Doctor chats to Runcible.
"Have you had a face-lift?"
"Several, so far!"
The Doctor's vision is slowly but surely coming true.
When Runcible's cameraman doesn't answer, the Doctor realizes there are only moments to spare if he's to prevent the assassination.
He races to the upper level, as Goth and the other Time Lords file in...
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly Don't ask for Rassilon's Rod.
50dw50@50dw50 The Euphemism Of Rassilon.
As the President arrives in the Panopticon chamber...
The Doctor picks up the apparently abandoned rifle...
And he fires...
The President falls down dead. Can the Doctor really be The Deadly Assassin himself?
Patrick Byrne @mynamespat · I think a DUN-DUN-DUN is in order. Seriously though, it was a great cliffhanger. Did the Doctor actually do it?
50dw50@50dw50 Time Twitter explodes with conspiracy theories and how it is really all the fault of the Shabogans.
It's one of those cheaty recaps, though, as we see the Doctor was really shooting at an assassin in the crowd.
MAW Holmes @MAW_H · cue a re-edited recap... Flash Gordon would have been so proud.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly For years I didn't get that. This story really messed with me head.
He races down but is thumped by the guards.
Runcible may finally have the scoop he's always dreamed of as Borusa confirms the President has died without naming his successor. "We live in evil times!"
The Doctor is hauled downstairs, seemingly bang to rights.
"Extraordinary, the roof's still on; I could have sworn it fell on me!"
Goth moves to set up a swift trial and execution much to Borusa's protestations...
So the Castellan allows Hildred to get all Gitmo on him.
Patrick Byrne @mynamespat · Why would Goth want to rush through the trial? Hmmm...
It seems, though, that the Castellan is starting to have his doubts about the Doctor's guilt.
The Doctor points out that "Vaporisation without representation is against the constitution." and that he's being framed
Spandrell seems inclined to agree, not least because the President was retiring anyway. When something doesn't sit right with him, he doggedly pursues the truth. He's like space Morse.
Back at Engin's gaff, Spandrell is on the track of a major Data Protection breach. The Doctor's claim to have experienced a precognitive vision is ruled out by Engin...
...but then he also rules out someone having checked out the Doctor's "Biog Data Extract" and Spandrell knows full well that where there's no dust, there's some dirty business afoot...
Goth plays down his chances of becoming the next President, even though he'll effectively be running unopposed.
He's more worried that the tradition of a new president pardoning political prisoners could deny them the chance to vaporise the Doctor.
The Time-Lords love putting the Doctor on trial.
Darth Marenghi@DarthMarenghi DEFINITELY Ian Levine.
Patrick Byrne @mynamespat · Did the Doctor do the art for The Wall?
He scraped through his degree with 51% at the second attempt. He don't need no education.
50dw50 @50dw50 · interesting how when there is an actual crime to prosecute Timelord trials are much less showy affairs.
Time-Lord Walter Matthau has had a bit of trouble with his hip. Goth suggests his dodgy hip might have impaired his hearing.
The Doctor announces his candidacy for the Presidency - which brings with it a guarantee of liberty.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly Whenever I'm in a legal jam, I just announce my candidacy for Pope. That sorts 'em out.
Skeletor appreciates the Doctor's tactics.
Only hate keeps him alive.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly So, a Daily Mail columnist then?
Released into the Castellan's custody, the Doctor begins his campaign to clear his name.
He starts by showing Spandrell that the rifle's sights were fixed so he couldn't have hit the President even if he'd wanted to...
... which is also why he missed the real assassin.
It's now been confirmed that the election is a two horse race between Goth and the Doctor.
The chalk outline from the president's body is comedy gold.
Spandrell has had Runcible brought along to the Panopticon to shed some light on the events that led to the assassination, noting that his technician went missing.
They find the mark where the Doctor's shot hit the wall...
...while Runcible gets a "little" surprise.
50dw50@50dw50 Timelords are known to be phobic about Action Man dolls.
The Castellan is less than impressed with his guard commander's failures, especially in light of the Doctor's scarf abandonment.
They know who to look for, but who would stop Gold Usher? Whoever that is...
With no hospital in sight the Doctor resorts to pinching clothes from the Time-Lord green room to switch the Gold Usher clobber as a decoy.

As Runcible prepares for his big broadcast, our shadowy conspirator arranges a camera malfunction.
The Castellan finds that someone else has been digging in the Doctor's personal records.

The cloaked renegade prepares to make his move... the President readies his resignation speech, which he fancies contains a few surprises.
In need of a low profile...
...the Doctor chats to Runcible.
"Have you had a face-lift?"
"Several, so far!"
The Doctor's vision is slowly but surely coming true.
When Runcible's cameraman doesn't answer, the Doctor realizes there are only moments to spare if he's to prevent the assassination.
He races to the upper level, as Goth and the other Time Lords file in...

As the President arrives in the Panopticon chamber...
The Doctor picks up the apparently abandoned rifle...
And he fires...
The President falls down dead. Can the Doctor really be The Deadly Assassin himself?

He races down but is thumped by the guards.
Runcible may finally have the scoop he's always dreamed of as Borusa confirms the President has died without naming his successor. "We live in evil times!"
The Doctor is hauled downstairs, seemingly bang to rights.
"Extraordinary, the roof's still on; I could have sworn it fell on me!"
Goth moves to set up a swift trial and execution much to Borusa's protestations...
So the Castellan allows Hildred to get all Gitmo on him.

It seems, though, that the Castellan is starting to have his doubts about the Doctor's guilt.
The Doctor points out that "Vaporisation without representation is against the constitution." and that he's being framed
Back at Engin's gaff, Spandrell is on the track of a major Data Protection breach. The Doctor's claim to have experienced a precognitive vision is ruled out by Engin...
...but then he also rules out someone having checked out the Doctor's "Biog Data Extract" and Spandrell knows full well that where there's no dust, there's some dirty business afoot...
Goth plays down his chances of becoming the next President, even though he'll effectively be running unopposed.
He's more worried that the tradition of a new president pardoning political prisoners could deny them the chance to vaporise the Doctor.
The Time-Lords love putting the Doctor on trial.
With no court artist, the Doctor steps in to give it his best Gerald Scarfe impersonation.

He scraped through his degree with 51% at the second attempt. He don't need no education.

Time-Lord Walter Matthau has had a bit of trouble with his hip. Goth suggests his dodgy hip might have impaired his hearing.
The Doctor announces his candidacy for the Presidency - which brings with it a guarantee of liberty.

Skeletor appreciates the Doctor's tactics.
Only hate keeps him alive.

Released into the Castellan's custody, the Doctor begins his campaign to clear his name.
He starts by showing Spandrell that the rifle's sights were fixed so he couldn't have hit the President even if he'd wanted to...
... which is also why he missed the real assassin.
It's now been confirmed that the election is a two horse race between Goth and the Doctor.
The chalk outline from the president's body is comedy gold.
Spandrell has had Runcible brought along to the Panopticon to shed some light on the events that led to the assassination, noting that his technician went missing.
They find the mark where the Doctor's shot hit the wall...
...while Runcible gets a "little" surprise.

The shrunken corpse of the camera man's the final piece of the puzzle; the Doctor now knows who's behind this.
Yup, it's the Master. "My sworn arch-enemy. A fiend who glories in chaos and destruction."
The Time-Lords were well aware of the Master in Pertwee's time, he's obviously been purging their records for a while for his reputation to have died down.
Simon G@SHGB001 We know from previous & future stories he steals from them so no trouble to wipe his record.
The Doctor explains the scale of the threat the Master poses and susses that the Master intercepted the Matrix's warning and diverted it to him alone.
When Runcible is sent to retrieve the recording of the assassination, he gets the Master's point.
Spandrell tots up the score on the Master's killing spree so far, but the Doctor dismisses four murders as "flea bitings" compared to what his old enemy will have in store.
Engin wonders why the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge, didn't predict the assassination, but of course it did - only for the Master to divert that prediction into the Doctor's mind.
He can only have done that from inside the Matrix itself.
The Doctor proposes to go in after him. If he's going into the Matrix, let's hope he knows Kung Fu.
He does know Venusian Aikido to be fair.
Seems a bit odd that his mental journey is represented by images of the time vortex from the title sequence.
50dw50@50dw50 this is all nice and creepy but i do tend to fast forward past the Matrix stuff.
Kosmic Kris @KosmicKris · I must confess, I tend to put the DVD on x2 speed for the matrix shenanigans.
He arrives in David Maloney's favourite quarry...
...where a crocodile laughs at him.
Jason McLaughlin@jangomac72 David Maloney seizing the opportunity to go even more surreal than he did in The Mind Robber!
When the ground beneath his feet gives way...
...he uses his scarf to climb his way back up.
A masked Samurai appears and looms over him.
Giving a fearsome battle-cry, the Samurai cuts his scarf, sending him plummeting.
All Spandrell and Engin can do is monitor the Doctor's brain activity and hope for the best. For a moment it seems there's no brain activity, but only for a moment - he's soon back.
"His brain must have an unusually high level of artron energy," notes Engin.
Inside the dreamscape of the Matrix, the Doctor awakens at the mercy of his foe.
"You were a fool, Doctor, to venture into the domain of... the Dentist!"
50dw50@50dw50 he has drawn up that medication very badly if he has to eject so much from the syringe... just saying...
Yup, it's the Master. "My sworn arch-enemy. A fiend who glories in chaos and destruction."
The Time-Lords were well aware of the Master in Pertwee's time, he's obviously been purging their records for a while for his reputation to have died down.

The Doctor explains the scale of the threat the Master poses and susses that the Master intercepted the Matrix's warning and diverted it to him alone.
When Runcible is sent to retrieve the recording of the assassination, he gets the Master's point.
Spandrell tots up the score on the Master's killing spree so far, but the Doctor dismisses four murders as "flea bitings" compared to what his old enemy will have in store.
Engin wonders why the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge, didn't predict the assassination, but of course it did - only for the Master to divert that prediction into the Doctor's mind.
The Doctor proposes to go in after him. If he's going into the Matrix, let's hope he knows Kung Fu.
He does know Venusian Aikido to be fair.
Seems a bit odd that his mental journey is represented by images of the time vortex from the title sequence.

He arrives in David Maloney's favourite quarry...
...where a crocodile laughs at him.
Love that the Doctor's subconscious self-image includes his scarf!

When the ground beneath his feet gives way...
...he uses his scarf to climb his way back up.
A masked Samurai appears and looms over him.
Giving a fearsome battle-cry, the Samurai cuts his scarf, sending him plummeting.
All Spandrell and Engin can do is monitor the Doctor's brain activity and hope for the best. For a moment it seems there's no brain activity, but only for a moment - he's soon back.
"His brain must have an unusually high level of artron energy," notes Engin.
Inside the dreamscape of the Matrix, the Doctor awakens at the mercy of his foe.
"You were a fool, Doctor, to venture into the domain of... the Dentist!"

5 months after Brexit.
Fleeing, the Doctor escapes into a hail of gunfire...
...and makes it through a warzone...
...only for his foot to become trapped in a railway junction...
...with a train hurtling towards him!

He frees his foot at the last minute as the nightmare train fades away...
...then gets eggy foot.

The Doctor denies this reality without any BBC bar in it...
...but gets the knock back and is stuck in the battleground of his opponent's choosing.

His whispering opponent peeps out from the cliff face to taunt him and the procession of nightmare imagery continues.
A creepy clown pretends to be his reflection...
The Doctor tries to make his way through the nightmare, but soon finds that he is the quarry!
It's soon clear that the bi-plane flying overhead is hunting him down...
...especially when it shoots at him North by NorthWest style.

The Doctor's leg's been grazed by a bullet, but realizing none of this is real he tries a little mind over matter to deny away the wound...
...but his adversary exerts his mastery over the dreamscape and insists it back into existence.

The Master pushes his minion to hound his prey.
It's now a battle to the death as his opponent comes out into the open, dressed in hunting camouflage, his face obscured.

This assassin's not so deadly; keeps missing.
The Doctor hides in the bushes. Wonder what he'll find there...
A ruddy great spider descends near his face.

Seems some physical realities still apply; the hunter needs to drink water.

While the hunters away, the Doctor will... er, nick his gear and set up a booby trap with a grenade.
The hunter knows the Doctor will need water too, so poisons the pond.

Pretty sure Tommy B would have just drunk the Gorn under the table.
The Doctor waits to hear the sound of his booby trap going off...
...but when he remains trapped in the nightmare jungle he knows the hunter has only been injured.
Beginning to lose faith in his puppet, the Master hedges his bets by going to plan B, sending a hypnotised guard to interfere with the Doctor in real life.
The Doctor quickly rumbles that the water is poisoned...
...and instead draws water from further away with a hollow reed.
The hunter tends to his wound before rallying for another attack.
Nearby, the Doctor concocts a way to turn the poisoned water supply to his advantage, dipping some nearby thorns in the stuff and fashioning his hollow reed into a blowpipe.
Soon, the hunter comes near enough for him to strike, but though the dart does its' job, the hunter gets a shot off too.
The Doctor falls far from the tree, but the Hunter has been poisoned.
They're about even so far.
The Master's hypnotized guard arrives and starts to eye up the switch that will wrench the Doctor from the Matrix and kill him.
The hunter is hot on the Doctor's heels now.
Hypno guard tries to throw a spanner in the works, but Spandrell's quicker on the draw.

Doctor Who Discovers Marsh Gas and draws the hunter further into the swamp.
The Doctor calls out the hunter, to show his real face.
Guess what - it's Goth!
When Goth takes his shot, he ignites the marsh gas just like the Doctor planned...
...but the stricken Goth then gets the drop on him, which wasn't part of the plan at all.
The Doctor and Goth have a bit of a splish splash.
Coming up to Mary Whitehouse's favourite bit in the whole of Doctor Who.
"Finished, Doctor, you're finished! Take this, Mrs. Whitehouse!"

She'd have been laughed off it, I reckon. She'd have been in the same bracket as Louise Mensch, Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump.
Thankfully, the Doctor's able to hold out just long enough for Goth to expend the last of his artron energy and deliver a winning blow...
With Goth overcome, the Doctor can return from his Matrix experience.
50dw50@50dw50 Goth Be Gone.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly The Doctor grabbed him and said "turn your head and Goth." #IThankYou
The Master curses his defeated servant. "You craven-hearted spineless poltroon!"
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly Best line in the story. Used it many times myself. Always an ice breaker at parties.
In a desperate attempt to prevent the Doctor's return from the Matrix...
...the Master pulls the plug, condemning Goth to a fiery death in the real world.
The Doctor's return, however, is announced in typical fashion: "Do you mind, this is a non-smoking compartment!"
Is the Master really going to throw in the towel?
"I'll cheat them yet, I'm not beaten!" Good old Master.
The Doctor confirms that Goth was the assassin and races off to follow the circuitry links back to the catacombs.
It doesn't take long to locate the Master's lair.
It seems the Master has died... surely not.
This version of the Master's that bit more horrific when you think this could even be the very same Master the 3rd Doctor faced.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly I always assumed it was a few regens down the line. Hate to think of that lovely Delgado Master ending up like this.
Goth is in his final moments, but takes the time to explain that he'd known the President had ruled out naming him his successor.
He'd found the Master in his rotted state on the planet Terserus, and fallen under his powers of persuasion.
Goth croaks without revealing the endgame of the Master's plan. "No answer to a straight question. Typical politician."
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly Robert Holmes liked this scene so much he rewrote it into 'The Talons of Weng-Chiang'.
Speaking of politicians, Borusa starts rewriting history on the spot.
In Borusa's version, Goth is the hero. "Our story is going to be that the Master arrived in Gallifrey to assassinate the President, secretly. Before he could escape, Chancellor Goth tracked him down and killed him, unfortunately perishing himself in the exchange of fire. Now that's much better. I can believe that."
His theory is that "if heroes do not exist, it is necessary to invent them." Sheesh, the Doctor's standing right there, man.
Borusa wants the Doctor out of dodge, but not before he's helped Engin to rewrite the Master's biography for the Castellan's files.
Spandrell dispatches Hildred to shoot up the Master's corpse to fit their story.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly 'cos it's too undamaged and pretty as it is??
The Doctor is helping Engin (sort of) write a new biography of the Master.
"What about his character?"

The more he thinks about it, the less likely it seems that the Master would meekly accept the end of his regeneration cycle.
"After the twelfth regeneration, there is no plan that will postpone death." says Engin. Here Holmes has invented a major (Rassilon's) rod for the series' back with the 13 lives rule.
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly Bet he barked like a drain at the notion of there ever being 13 Doctors.
Jason McLaughlin@jangomac72 Only a rod if you let it or if all the actors each only do 3 bloody series then leave!!
Thankfully, the Doctor's able to hold out just long enough for Goth to expend the last of his artron energy and deliver a winning blow...
With Goth overcome, the Doctor can return from his Matrix experience.

The Master curses his defeated servant. "You craven-hearted spineless poltroon!"

In a desperate attempt to prevent the Doctor's return from the Matrix...
...the Master pulls the plug, condemning Goth to a fiery death in the real world.
The Doctor's return, however, is announced in typical fashion: "Do you mind, this is a non-smoking compartment!"
Is the Master really going to throw in the towel?
"I'll cheat them yet, I'm not beaten!" Good old Master.
The Doctor confirms that Goth was the assassin and races off to follow the circuitry links back to the catacombs.
It doesn't take long to locate the Master's lair.
It seems the Master has died... surely not.
This version of the Master's that bit more horrific when you think this could even be the very same Master the 3rd Doctor faced.

Goth is in his final moments, but takes the time to explain that he'd known the President had ruled out naming him his successor.
He'd found the Master in his rotted state on the planet Terserus, and fallen under his powers of persuasion.

Speaking of politicians, Borusa starts rewriting history on the spot.
In Borusa's version, Goth is the hero. "Our story is going to be that the Master arrived in Gallifrey to assassinate the President, secretly. Before he could escape, Chancellor Goth tracked him down and killed him, unfortunately perishing himself in the exchange of fire. Now that's much better. I can believe that."
His theory is that "if heroes do not exist, it is necessary to invent them." Sheesh, the Doctor's standing right there, man.
Borusa wants the Doctor out of dodge, but not before he's helped Engin to rewrite the Master's biography for the Castellan's files.
Spandrell dispatches Hildred to shoot up the Master's corpse to fit their story.

The Doctor is helping Engin (sort of) write a new biography of the Master.
"What about his character?"
He styles the Master as "evil, cunning and resourceful. Highly developed powers of ESP and a formidable hypnotist."

The more he thinks about it, the less likely it seems that the Master would meekly accept the end of his regeneration cycle.
"After the twelfth regeneration, there is no plan that will postpone death." says Engin. Here Holmes has invented a major (Rassilon's) rod for the series' back with the 13 lives rule.

The Doctor wants the skinny on what sets the President aside; the relics of Rassilon, including the Key, the Rod, and the Sash.
"Engin, I can feel my hair curling, and that means either it's going to rain or else I'm on to something."
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly Have I mentioned how ruddy brilliant this story is? Because this story, see, is ruddy brilliant.
Spandrell has a really low opinion of Hildred. "I chose you for this assignment because he's already dead. You are unlikely to miss him!" Probably about 50/50 I'd say.
Hildred hands over the syringe he found for analysis.
Now a spot of Time-Lord history. Rassilon was mainly thought of as an engineer and architect.
"And Rassilon journeyed into the black void with a great fleet. Within the void, no light would shine and nothing of that outer nature continue in being, except that which existed within the Sash of Rassilon."
The history computer fills them in about the long forgotten "Eye of Harmony."
"Rassilon found the Eye of Harmony, which balances all things, that they may neither flux nor wither nor change their state in any measure. And he caused the Eye to be brought to the world of Gallifrey wherein he sealed this beneficence with the Great Key. "
50dw50@50dw50 Dr Who and the Explanation of Timelord History That Dr Who Should Really Know. One can assume that Dr Who failed history.
When Spandrell tells the Doctor that the Master committed suicide, one whiff of the syringe confirms the contrary: "Tricophenyladehyde! A neural inhibitor. Spandrell, we've been fooled - he's still alive!"
Sure enough, down in the catacombs...
...the Master jerks back into life to put an end to the useless Hildred.
50dw50@50dw50 so Mr Leela can be promoted...

Spandrell has a really low opinion of Hildred. "I chose you for this assignment because he's already dead. You are unlikely to miss him!" Probably about 50/50 I'd say.
Hildred hands over the syringe he found for analysis.
Now a spot of Time-Lord history. Rassilon was mainly thought of as an engineer and architect.
The history computer fills them in about the long forgotten "Eye of Harmony."
"Rassilon found the Eye of Harmony, which balances all things, that they may neither flux nor wither nor change their state in any measure. And he caused the Eye to be brought to the world of Gallifrey wherein he sealed this beneficence with the Great Key. "

When Spandrell tells the Doctor that the Master committed suicide, one whiff of the syringe confirms the contrary: "Tricophenyladehyde! A neural inhibitor. Spandrell, we've been fooled - he's still alive!"
Sure enough, down in the catacombs...
...the Master jerks back into life to put an end to the useless Hildred.

The Doctor finally comes face to... fried breakfast with the Master.

The Master wants the trappings of the President so that he can harness the Eye of Harmony...
With the power of the Eye, he can give himself more regenerations.
So now this once forgotten power source is rediscovered thanks to the Master the Time-Lords can give anyone they like new regenerations. So in fact Holmes set the rule, and provided the means to easily break it all in the same story, and in fact the same episode.

The Doctor and Spandrell regain consciousness to find the Master has locked them in the catacomb and scarpered with the Sash of Rassilon.
Engin thinks the Sash is only ceremonial but the Doctor was paying attention to his earlier history lesson:
The Eye of Harmony is nothing less than the nucleus of a black hole, and the Sash protects its wearer from being sucked into a parallel universe! "All he needs now is the Great Key and he can regenerate himself and release a force that'll obliterate this entire stellar system."
The Master nicks the Rod, then inserts it into a hole in the floor, twisting it like a key...
...the dais opens and a giant crystal rises: "Rassilon's star, the Eye of Harmony!"
The Master prepares to unleash the Eye, which will destroy Gallifrey! Just for a change, the Master's plan doesn't *entirely* make sense. What use are new regenerations if the planet he's standing on is destroyed? Unless the Master also knows of the link from the Eye to the TARDISes and plans to escape *through* the Eye?
Simon Threadgold@dimwittedly So he'll be floating in space, trying to inch towards a grandfather clock? And if he has a cricket ball...

"Come on, give us a bunk up!" No time for that now, Tom.

The Master begins to release the clamps keeping the Eye's awesome power under control.
Gallifrey begins to shake itself apart as the power of the Eye is unleashed.
The Master's really unhinged now. "Rassilon's discovery, all mine. I shall have supreme power over the universe. Master of all matter!"
The Doctor makes it up the shaft to the Panopticon and launches himself at the Master to wrest control of the Eye from his old foe.
The two tussle...
...but having gained the upper hand, the Doctor is able to make the Eye safe again... the Master seemingly falls to his final death.
The Doctor's saved the day once more! Hurrah!
Borusa frets about how to explain the devastation the Master has wrought.
The Doctor suggests "subsidence owing to a plague of mice"!
Whilst Borusa chides the Doctor for his "propensity for vulgar facetiousness", he still rates him 9/10.
The Doctor prepares to say his goodbyes, but isn't quite ready to write off the Master yet, after all the Eye monolith was pumping out power and the Sash could have helped him to convert it...
Momentarily, the Doctor appears to glance at that old grandfather clock that really has no business being there...
Spandrell asks if the Master could really still be alive. "I hope not, Spandrell. And there's no one in all the galaxies I'd say that about. The quintessence of evil!"
But as the Doctor bids them a cheery farewell...
...Engin and Spandrell watch helplessly as the regenerating Master also makes his escape!
"Out into the universe. But, you know, I have a feeling it isn't big enough for the two of them!"

Reckon that's the intention, yeah. Helps somewhat in explaining why Beevers looks different, luckily!
KrynoidPodCast@KrynoidPodCast Beever's eyes are certainly an improvement on the eggs but the 'teeth painted onto the lips' thing is bizarre!

And you know what Spandrell Ballet's favourite Usher is, don't you...

To cut a long story short, no-one remembers any apart from True and Gold. And the chanty one, whatever *that*s called. Personally prefer Duran Duran's "Hungry Like Mac Hulke", anyway.
Coming Soon: The Time Monster
Coming Soon: The Time Monster