
11th Doctor

Matt Smith (2010 - 2013)

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Series 5 (2010)

The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels & Flesh and Stone
The Vampires of Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens & The Big Bang

Series 6 (2011)

A Christmas Carol
The Impossible Astronaut & Day of the Moon
The Curse of the Black Spot
The Doctor's Wife
The Rebel Flesh & The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Let's Kill Hitler
Night Terrors
The Girl Who Waited
The God Complex
Closing Time
The Wedding of River Song

Series 7a (2012)

The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Asylum of the Daleks
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
The Power of Three
The Angels Take Manhattan
Series 7b (2013)
The Snowmen
The Bells of Saint John
The Rings of Akhaten
Cold War
Journey to the Center of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Nightmare in Silver
The Name of the Doctor

50th Anniversary Specials (2013)

The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor

The Eleventh Doctor was a capricious and adventurous incarnation of the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor. The Moment referred to him as "the man who forgets", in reference to his claim not to remember how many children were on Gallifrey on the last day of the Last Great Time War. He later became a man fond of remembering his precious life. However, by this point in his life, his reputation had grown immense, attracting a new strain of conflicts in place of the war. Wishing to withdraw from the dangers it created, he became a secretive and guileful individual for the sake of himself and those he held close. He engaged in a centuries-long struggle to the death against his enemies, including an assassination plot and a last stand. He was possibly the Doctor's most long-lived incarnation, as well as the final incarnation in the Doctor's original regeneration cycle.

Within minutes of his fiery regeneration, he began a long, multi-century war with the Silence that critically involved companions Amy Pond, Rory Williams and their daughter, River Song. Ultimately, the significant, but likely not total, defeat of the Silence required him to marry Song in a dubiously legal ceremony, but one that they both seemed to regard as genuine. 

After the touch of a Weeping Angel robbed him of Amy and Rory, he retired to Victorian London and associated himself with the "Paternoster Gang". During this period — which he once referred to as "the dark times" — he rediscovered a woman named Clara Oswald, whom he thought long dead; she once again died. Fascinated by this "impossible girl", he set off on to solve the mystery of her multiple lives, and take her on as his latest travelling companion. 

She was, as he put it, "the only mystery worth solving". The Doctor later discovered he kept meeting Clara because she had entered his timeline after his death, scattering echoes of herself throughout his life to save him from the machinations of the Great Intelligence. He extracted her one, true self from his time stream. 

Rescuing Clara, however, came at a high price: it forced him to reveal to her a dreaded secret: an incarnation he had kept hidden, and whom he felt had betrayed the name of "the Doctor". This would preclude an actual meeting with this past life and his tenth incarnation, in which they reentered the Time War. Here, he discovered that he and his past incarnations had actually saved the Time Lords from destruction, but lost his knowledge of the event. This event allowed him to cleanse his hands of a genocide he never actually enacted, purge his soul of guilt, and happily accept the incarnation he once renounced. 

Nonetheless, his home planet of Gallifrey and his people now waited in another universe to be rescued. He would rededicate himself to finding his home, but with the awareness he had run out of regenerations, and was nearing an ultimate battle that might send him to his grave. The conflict in question was started when he was called to the location of the lost Time Lords as they called out across the whole of reality in distress. By uncovering the motive for this distress signal, he triggered a universal panic that the Time War would resume if the Time Lords came back. The most threatening presence came from the race that felt most threatened: the Daleks. This led to a conglomerated siege against the Eleventh Doctor to stop him from calling forth the Time Lords while he maintained a final stand.

In the last years of his life, he battled against the universe's deadliest forces to protect the planet of Trenzalore for hundreds of years, causing his body to grow old and weak. At the cusp of dying of old age, Clara convinced the Time Lords to grant him a new regeneration cycle, restoring his youth and triggering his eventual regeneration into his next incarnation.

This incarnation was energetic, lively, eccentric, and very alien compared to his previous incarnation. He was resourceful and quick-thinking, able to spin things to his point of view and find positive outlooks in negative situations, much like his previous incarnation. When things looked bleakest, he liked to have those around him focus on survival. When thinking about how to solve a problem, this Doctor blocked out all outside distractions, even his companions' comments. He told Amy, "You're dying, shut up" so he could concentrate on working out how to save her. This incarnation also believed that "patience is for wimps!" Unlike most of his predecessors, this Doctor had to stay busy because he'd lose his mind out of boredom.

This version of the Doctor seemed more susceptible to changes in personality; he grew more vicious, unforgiving, and developed a short temper when he didn't have company to restrain his dark side. When Kahler-Jex upset him, he nearly gave him up to Kahler-Tek. After losing the Ponds, he immediately fell into a depression that even his oldest friends could not get him out of until he met Clara Oswin Oswald, who revived the old Doctor.

Much like his second incarnation, he showed a childlike recklessness, but always had a grand scheme behind his actions. He was often smug, occasionally boastful. The smugness he showed was described by Amy as being frightening. This incarnation of the Doctor was very kind to and admired by children for his eccentric, tender, playful and childlike personality. One child described him as funny. He showed a great deal of compassion for children, unable to resist helping if one was upset or scared.

He thought aloud when he was panicking or stressed. The Eleventh tended to babble about what he knew about a current situation to come up with a plan, believing that he would have one when he finished talking. At one time he called this "riffing" and indicated that he fully expected to be interrupted. He also disliked being around people who were too slow to figure things out.

This incarnation had long, dark hair which initially made him believe himself female. He confirmed that he wasn't by his Adam’s apple, but was annoyed his regeneration had not made him ginger as he wished to have been in his previous incarnation. He had softer features than his tenth incarnation, with a large chin, which his TARDIS – and sometimes others – found hilarious, and green eyes. Upon inspecting his nose, the Doctor commented, "I've had worse". 

He claimed his feet were size 10, but quite wide, when asking for a replacement pair of shoes.  He occasionally, when imprisoned, grew a scruffy beard, which he always shaved off as soon as possible. Like his ninth incarnation, he had large ears that were very prominent when his head was shaved. Clara remarked they "were like rocket fins".

Similar to his third and eighth incarnations, the eleventh incarnation stole his clothing from the staff room of a hospital. The outfit consisted of a plain brown tweed jacket with elbow patches, a dress shirt, a bow tie, braces, rolled up navy-blue trousers and black boots. He would change the colour of his shirt, bow tie and braces from burgundy to blue, though he once wore a purple bow tie and suspenders. He wore a gold wristwatch with an expansion band on his left wrist, with the face on the back of his wrist rather than the front.

His second jacket was checked though he lost it while escaping from Weeping Angels aboard the Byzantium. After that he resumed wearing his first jacket. This jacket was temporarily ruined, along with his burgundy shirt, first burgundy bow tie, navy blue trousers, and boots, when a Stone Dalek's gunstick blast struck him and badly burned his clothes. After he flew the Pandorica into the heart of the TARDIS explosion, the damage to his clothes was reversed, but he was not seen wearing them again after he disappeared from time. When Amy remembered him and the Doctor returned to reality, he had on a tuxedo for her wedding. It is possible these clothes were erased from existence and Amy remembered him in wedding-appropriate attire instead.

This Doctor was fond of hats. While in the National Museum, he found a fez he liked a lot, stating that "fezzes are cool". During his search for Melody Pond and often afterwards, he would wear a dark green overcoat, mostly in places that were cold. However, he still switched it with the tweed jacket when he felt like it. After meeting the 21st century version of Clara while wearing a monk's robe, the Doctor returned to the TARDIS to get changed. He pulled two coats out of a clothing compartment beneath the console: his tweed jacket, and a burgundy cashmere coat that reached mid-thigh. He chose the burgundy coat, wearing it with a new pair of brown leather boots, his braces, and his black jeans. He also donned a new bow tie, kept in a small box inside the compartment. His bow tie would alternate between different patterns, rather than the solid colours he wore previously. This became his new attire.

In his following adventure, he started wearing cuffs on his sleeves. Also he added a grey waistcoat for an appearance similar to what he had worn in Victorian London, complete with a fob watch. By the time he encountered the Cybermen on Hedgewick's World of Wonders he was wearing a 6-buttoned vest, which had a collar, which were navy blue in colour. He later added another black waistcoat. 

When he was in Victorian Yorkshire, he wore a brown checkered version of his attire, as well as matching bow-tie and bowler hat.

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