Saturday, 5 October 2013


Thought people might like a gander at these; I've been meaning to scan them for ages and thought I might as well add them to the blog - enjoy!

Jon Pertwee

Tom Baker

Peter Davison

I wrote to each of them in 1993 when news of "The Dark Dimension"* first broke and asked for an autograph. Tom's came back in a few days, with a hand-written letter; Jon's came a few days later by 2nd class post - he wasn't just being tight keeping the 1st class one I'd sent, he used one that was his own custom caricature! If I can dig it out I'll scan that too. Davison's came back month's later with a letter from his agent apologising but he'd been very busy actually getting acting work!  

*They were positive about taking part but non-committal about whether it was going ahead; pretty sure by the time these arrived it had been scuppered!