
Saturday, 1 February 2014

8th Doctor: Season Three (2003/4)

has a vaguely interesting premise that's enough to fill 10 minutes. It's about 2 hours long. 2/10.

The Creed of the Kromon
Listening to wondering when I'll start giving a monkey's. Kro'ka's 1st appearance showed promise & so did C'rizz when he showed up. But he's whinged on about Lyda once too often now. The Kromon are boring the arse off me. All this management guff. This thinks it's Python or Adams. It isn't.  starts a succession of dull samey worlds of bores in the divergent universe. An uninspiring debut for C'rizz. 3/10

The Natural History of Fear
The best of the Divergent Universe saga so far; has it's roots in 1984 - but several points off for the "none of it was real" ending. Thought provoking stuff for the first time this season, though. 6/10

The Twilight Kingdom
is a bit more like a proper story, Michael Keating's great but he's the only one trying. 5/10.

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