
Monday, 24 March 2014

A2 "Space Fall"


By Terry Nation. This one must have Daleks in then.

It's only a model.

We start aboard the prison ship "London" taking Blake, Jenna and Vila to Cygnus Alpha.

This scene on the flight deck of the London reminds me of . So I'm sure there'll be Daleks in this.

First look at Gan and Avon there, as "Sub Commander Raiker" lays down the law. This is before he grew the beard, obviously.

"There are other rules but you'll find out what they are when you break them!" What is this, some sort of guessing game?

"So you're Blake. I saw your face in the credits. You're quite a celebrity."

Raiker cracks on to Jenna, so she whispers something in his ear that gets her a slap in the face.

Jenna's more interested in what Avon's doing. So's Avon, to be honest.

He's the no. 2 computer expert. Who's no. 1? No, not Raiker, it's the man who caught him, ba-dum-tish!

"What went wrong?" "I relied on other people!"

Vila's heard a rumour the prison ship doesn't go all the way to Cygnus Alpha... Have to assume it's run by First Trains.

The London's running close to a furious space battle, so things could get hairy. Bet it's the Daleks.

Blake tries to recruit Avon. "Give me one good reason why I should help you."

"Nervous? I'm not nervous, just poised for action!" Vila always gets great lines.

Avon decides the best way to enter the computer room is on film.

Nova is the equivalent of a redshirt. He volunteers to go in the crawlspace & is promptly drowned in toothpaste.

Avon fiddles with the computer with a device that look's suspiciously like Wogan's Blankety Blank mic.

Someone jumps Avon from behind. Probably Kenny Everett trying to bend his mic.

Gan is obviously the Little John type of the gang. "Look, we only need the hand.

Love those Federation guns. Blake & Jenna make it to the computer room & join Avon.

"Find the armoury, he says. I don't even like guns!" Vila's 'complaint' resurfaces.

"Drop your guns!" Vila throws his to the floor like a twonk. Gan: "Veeeela!" Not decided how his name's pronounced yet?

Raiker starts shooting hostages to get Blake to surrender. Blake surrenders. Raiker shoots another hostage.

Well, that was 35 minutes well spent, we're back were we started! At least we've met Avon & Gan now.

So back to that space battle then. Seems there's an abandoned ship drifting towards them. Let's check it out...

Ah, the Liberator. There's nothing "only" about that model.

The London crew attempt to open the airlock and get into the Liberator...

Anyone who goes on the flightdeck of the Liberator is attacked or goes nuts or something. Probably Daleks.

Raiker suggests sending Blake & Co. over as they're expendable.

Blake, Avon & Jenna are sent aboard the mystery ship where they suffer a psychic attack at the hands of a pale, spider's-egg-sac looking thing.

Blake rumbles it and saves the others. With the security system off, the 3 have themselves a ship.

Blake tries to shut the door on Raiker, who shoots him in the shoulder. Then Jenna finds the hatch closing button and Raiker goes for his own personal .

"With a ship like this and a full crew, then we can start fighting back!"

Really gathering momentum now. Love the way this early part of the series builds up its origins.

Coming Soon... Planet of Fire

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