
Monday, 14 April 2014

A4 "Time Squad"

Jenna's teaching Blake to drive. Pretty sure he forgot to check his mirrors.

He should keep looking over his shoulder anyway with friends like these...

"Outrun them? In this we can out-stroll them!" Vila likes the new set of wheels.

Blake decides to go on the offensive. Avon is suitably offended by the idea.

Blake's 1st target is a communications centre on Saurian Major. He tells the others his plan then snoozes on the couch.

Zen detects a distress call. Jenna suspects space pirates. Probably just Milo Clancey.

Zen throws a wobbler. Gan suspects Zen has some sort of limiter that prevents it being too helpful.

Blake and Jenna transport over to the ship sending the distress signal. There's not enough room to swing Vila.

There doesn't seem to be any one aboard... till they check the freezer.

The air's running out, the teleport's knackered & Zen won't help. Business as usual then.

Avon, Gan & Vila have to work out how to parallel park in the Liberator to get Blake & Jenna back on board.

Zen's going to have to spend the whole episode resisting the urge to say "I told you so."

Blake & Jenna are out of breath when Avon hauls them out of the pod. They did think they were going to die I suppose.

Avon sets the freezers to defrost. There's always bits of frozen veg right at the back, isn't there?

Blake, Avon & Vila teleport down to a quarry with an odd pinkish light and a Triffid.

"I want to stay alive & to do that I need people I can rely on." Gan tells Jenna the Federation killed "my woman".

Jenna goes to check on the Winter Soldiers. One's out of his box, the other's waking up...

One of the Winter Soldiers attacks Jenna & breaks her arm, so she bites him.

Meanwhile, other than lighting a fire, Blake's done naff all on Saurian Major. He's attacked by a psychic rebel in red.

Cally introduces herself . Vila says he's "harmless"; Avon agrees that he's "useless."

There is no resistance force, only Cally. They attacked the generator plant so the federation poisoned them all.

"I plan to live forever, or die trying!" One of Vila's best quotes, that.

Back on the Liberator, Jenna's having to take on the Winter Soldiers solo.

Gan has a brain implant that stops him from killing now. Seems he's the useless one.

The light filter used for Saurian Major is the same as for Gallifrey in The Invasion of Time.

Pretty sure this power station is the same one from the Hand of Fear too.

Blake plans to blow the facility off the face of the planet, but 1st they need to break in. Vila's not so useless now.

After a struggle, Jenna finishes off the last Winter Soldier. How did he grab her gun, though?

When Blake & Avon found the guns, they were supposed to be isopmorphic & burned others if touched by anyone else

Zen finally bothers to help, warning Gan that there's 1 last Winter Soldier to be dealt with.

Gan teleports the others up in the nick of time & Blake races to the hold.

Then they all enjoy a good fireworks show on Zen TV.

"I'm not counting that machine as part of the crew" says Avon. Tough, you'll have to, or change the show's name.

Coming Soon... Where No Man Has Gone Before

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