
Friday, 18 April 2014

A5 "The Web"

By Terry Nation? Didn't know Daleks could spin webs...

In a webby forest, there's an run down looking lab with two silver suited wierdos and a head in a jar. Usual.

Jenna wakes medallion man Blake to tell him stuff's happening. Cally fiddles with some tech.

Put it away, Blake.

Vila wants to know what Cally thinks of his new duds. She clobbers him. Harsh but fair.

Avon's also having a fiddle with some circuits. Cally seems a bit... off. *No One* is interested in Avon's work.

Cally's definitely gone all weird. Fish Eye lens a dead giveaway.

Gan sneaks up and zaps "Cally". As it goes "They must come" is no "Eldrad Must Live!" is it?

Liberator's out of control thanks to Cally's sabotage; Blake & Avon must stop the systems blowing them to bits. They do.

They regain control of the ship but have surfaced in uncharted space... where a giant web in space is touching up the ship.

Avon attempts a repair and the circuits blow up. "No, that wasn't the one."

The self-repair system is rather nifty.

"Blake won't agree to that." "There will come a time when he won't be making the decisions. Probably about series 3."

Vila has a nasty thought. "The thing about spider's webs... they're used for trapping food!"

Now the psychic aliens have taken over Jenna. They sound a bit like the Megara.

The psychic wierdos are "the lost" from a legend of Cally's people. They want Blake to drop in. He prefers to blast the web.

The webby lab is attacked by mini marshmen!

Blake teleports down; the mini marshmen attack him, cutting his hand. He's rescued by one of the silver dudes.

Silver woman puts a blobby thing on Blake's hand to heal it. Was that the jellyfish that got Cameron?

The silver dudes kill off the mini marshmen. Poor little buggers. Blake realizes it was asking for help.

The Web is a sort of fungus. I reckon the Great Intelligence is behind all this.

Their life support systems are almost drained. If Blake can recharge the cells they can activate a fungicide.

Aww, the mini marshman is crying. It'd be cute if it wasn't so disgusting.

While Blake's down on the Web Planet, Federation ships are heading for the Liberator.

The silver dudes are genetic engineers, they created the Decimas as a slave race.

But the silver dudes themselves are genetically engineered slaves...

The real villain is a head in a jar with a wizened body, containing a hive mind. It's from Cally's home planet.

Avon teleports down, so Blake & the silver dudes go out to rescue him from the mini-marshmen.

Have to say the webbed-up forest looks great. Blake & Avon's tracky tops less so.

Avon's brought the power cells, but as they return to the lab, the mini marshmen attack and kill the silver dudes.

The power cells kick in and the web is destroyed. Gan's using some sort of walkman TV thing with viewing specs. Looks cool.

The mini marshmen tear Mr. Head-in-a-jar apart. The Liberator vamooses, evading the Federation pursuit ships.

"Change is inevitable." "Why else do we fight, Avon?" Oh, you.

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Coming Soon... The Five Doctors Special Edition

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