Season 10, Story 1/5, Serial RRR: 4 x 25min episodes, 30th December 1972 to 20th January 1973, Writers: Bob Baker and Dave Martin, Director: Lennie Mayne, Script Editor: Terrance Dicks, Producer: Barry Letts

By a river, a gamekeeper type spies a silvery weather balloon contraption attached to an orange box.

"Oo aarr, dactar Tylar is it?" We're definitely in the Pertwee era.

Ollis is zapped by a crackly sound effect. The birds don't like it, even if it isn't chemicals.

Doctor Tyler calls up top secret organisation UNIT...
...and goes round for a cup of tea.

First Tyler wants Jo to look at his box...
...then he wants the Doctor to take a gander at his amateur candid snaps of a streak through space.
Ah, that computer print out paper with the perforated strips at the sides. Remember that?
The Brig asks if there's anything he can do about the streak so the Doctor has him pass a rod with which to stir his tea.
Not exactly taking this seriously, is he?
The Doctor diagnoses space lightning and gives Tyler the run of his lab.
"Liberty Hall, Doctor Tyler, make yourself at home, move your stuff in, rearrange the furniture, see if I care!"

The crackler zaps Tyler too...
...then naffs off down the sink, obviously.

"We shan't see him now till dark." Ollis is in the habit of hiding out in the woods.
The Brig sends Benton on a wild Tyler chase.

Love Bessie's little theme.
The Doctor & Jo return from their pointless trip to the bird sanctuary...
...only for the crackler to nick Bessie.

The Brig's really put out at the thought of having missed a good explosion.
The Doctor thinks he's found the missing gamekeeper Ollis when he checks out the results of Tyler's space etch-a-sketch.
As usual, Pertwee thinks it's all about him.
The blob nicked Tyler in his lab then Bessie. Jo better run.

Damn straight, madam!
"Holy Moses! What's that! Get Sergeant Benton, quick!"
I'm The Batman@MGW_007 probably not what he really would've said!
Davad@davadsteel Pat Gorman making sure he's seen on camera!
M@nterik@Manterik The Gel guards scared me terribly when I was 8 when this was first shown.
50dw50@50dw50 cards on the table, I think the Gel Guards are wonderful!
Chris@KosmicKris me too :) I love their eyes :) and the little “whush” sound effect :)
"Holy Moses! What's that! Get Sergeant Benton, quick!"

Say what you like about the gelguards, I love that metallic sound effect when they appear out of thin air.

The crackler makes it to the lab...
...and so does Benton - intruder window!
When the crackler attacks, the Doctor, Jo & Benton dive into the TARDIS.

"Well, Sergeant, aren't you going to say it that it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside? Everybody else does."
Does this make Benton a "proper" companion?

He can only get through to the stationery department, though, where they keep the giant pencil holders.
"Laws of time, shmaws of time!"
"Are you saying we can't help him?"
"Yes, I am, but perhaps he can help himself."

The Time-Lord president takes drastic measures and gives orders for the 2nd Doctor to be transplanted into the 3rd's TARDIS.

Trapped in the TARDIS, they hear a materialisation sound as first a recorder, and then the Second Doctor himself appear!

"I can see you've been doing the TARDIS up a bit. Hmm. I don't like it!" A legend is born.
Pertwee calls the police to report the theft of his show.
Well at least Benton's pleased to see him.
Jo wants to know who the little scamp is...
...and he takes exception to his successor's turn of phrase.
"I may call you Jo, mayn't I?"
Jo starts riffing off Beatles songs.
How about "Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey"?

Very much so! Later on it's actually her that devises their escape plan when the Doctors are out of ideas.

The 2nd Doctor doubles his effectiveness by figuring out what they already knew about the crackler being after him.
The two Doctors have psychic conference of sorts...
...then immediately disagree about how best to get the job done.
The Time-Lords decide someone has to play referee to Doctors 2 and 3.
They only have enough power to get the 1st Doctor to appear on the telly, though.
The boss arrives to lay down some "dandy and a clown" rebukes.
Terribly sad to see Hartnell so ill, but lovely to see him one last time also.
Davad@davadsteel He's obviously very frail but still sparkles. "Just as I thought. Nothing."
Chris@KosmicKris the story of his involvement is both heartbreaking and heartwarming.
50dw50@50dw50 poor old Hartnell really does look diminished now
The two Doctors have psychic conference of sorts...
...then immediately disagree about how best to get the job done.
The Time-Lords decide someone has to play referee to Doctors 2 and 3.
They only have enough power to get the 1st Doctor to appear on the telly, though.
The boss arrives to lay down some "dandy and a clown" rebukes.
Terribly sad to see Hartnell so ill, but lovely to see him one last time also.

The 2 Doctors toss and Troughton comes out on top.

So Pertwee has to sacrifice himself to the crackler, only for Jo to dive in too.
End of part 1!

The crackler awaits further instructions... Benton and the 2nd Doctor venture out.

He says he's "just a temporal anomaly."
50dw50@50dw50 the Brig really is rubbish in this one, such a great character has become a Blimp.

Back in the Time-Lord stationery cupboard, they're having a typical 70s power-cut.
Since The War Games, the Time-Lords have taken the Doctor's criticism about failing to use their powers to heart(s).

"It's a place, just like any other quarry!"

Back at UNIT HQ, the 2nd Doctor tries to work out a way to pacify the crackler.

"I wonder if I have a television set. Bring me knitting!"
The 3rd Doctor & Jo find the missing bits and bobs from UNIT HQ.
...but they're regarded with envious eyes, that slowly and surely draw their plans against them...
...and Mr. Ollis.
The 2nd Doctor's lashed up some sort of pacifying device to tickle the crackler with sparks.
The Brig's told the UN that Pat's Jon's assistant.
Uh-oh, it'll be water pistols at dawn.
Benton gives the crackler some sparks. This town ain't big enough for the both of them.

The Brig continues his new found idiocy inside the TARDIS: "How's it done, some sort of optical illusion?"
Ever the innovator, it's Pat that's the first to offer jelly babies round.
3 & Jo bump into Dr. Tyler...
The Doctor tells him they've travelled along the light streak, to the inside of the Black Hole. "On a stable world in a universe of antimatter. An anomaly within an impossibility!"

He can conjure up an entire universe with his mind but can't imagine anything more than a 19" CRT telly. Says it all for him.
He dispatches the gelguards to round up his visitors.
The Brig is like a caged Tiger in the TARDIS.
...meanwhile the Trout has lost his recorder.
The Gelguards take Perts, Jo & Tyler to their blobby base of their mysterious booming voiced boss.

Empty out the contents with a screwdriver then bash it till it works. I use that exact method for fixing pretty much everything.

Pertwee thinks he looks so cool with his collar up, doesn't he?

Tyler decides the episode needs some padding... has a run around anti-matter HQ...
...before returning to the cell.

Tyler can't get his head around this anti-matter business...
With the forcefield switched off on Hartnell's orders, the TARDIS is vulnerable to the crackler...
End of part 2, and Omega's removal business knocks it out of the park, literally.
UNIT HQ? That'll fit on the van.

True; if this had been 6 parts, Tyler's little escape bid would have been a whole episode & involved a speedboat.

The Doctor, Jo & Tyler are ushered into a garish throne room of sorts...
...where they meet the villain of the piece, the impressive-looking & boomingly-voiced Omega.
Omega is the stuff of Time-Lord legend; he gave them the power of time travel by harnessing the black hole.
Jo & Tyler are sidelined.
After millions of years in his anti-matter domain Omega's gone stark staring bonkers. "I should have been a god!"

Omega's squeaky pink bollock reports more intruders.

Not a bad design necessarily but the crayon-scribbled walls are about as slapdash as it gets. Really disappointing.
"There's sand everywhere!"
"Oh, splendid, who's for a swim!"
"What am I going to tell Geneva!"
Davad@davadsteel "Who's for a swim?!" Ooh. "Enemy of the World" reference!!!
Surprised Trout isn't stripping down to his long johns. There's a beach too, apparently.
Davad@davadsteel Brilliantly played scene. Absolutely hilarious. Acted and shot like a sit-com!
There's a bit of a sense that Lethbridge-Stewart isn't coping very well with all of this.
I'm The Batman@MGW_007 I do love the 'fairly sure that's Cromer' line though!
The Brig teams up with Ollis...
...while the gelguards bring the captured 2nd Doctor & Benton to Omega's party.
Davad@davadsteel Kind of obvious now that by this point Benton is there instead of Jamie.
Omega knows all about the Time Lords and their laws, and that they broke them to bring the Doctors together.
I like the idea that he's been watching the series on that telly of his.
atruedrwhofan@atruedrwhofan shame there are the gaps where the Time Lords have thrown out or burnt the adventures.
After Omega has them locked away with Jo and Tyler, 3 accuses 2 of twittering on. Who would do such a thing!
Davad@davadsteel The "Is it neither of us?" line is wonderful. Another deference to Bill.
50dw50@50dw50 the two Doctors back story for Omega sounds the the prologue to every New Adventure novel
Ha! Yes. All that "Other" guff!
Chris@KosmicKris he had to pay John Le Mesurier 50p every time he did that!
I'm The Batman@MGW_007 when I find myself doing that I wonder if that is the reason why!

Surprised Trout isn't stripping down to his long johns. There's a beach too, apparently.

There's a bit of a sense that Lethbridge-Stewart isn't coping very well with all of this.

The Brig teams up with Ollis...
...while the gelguards bring the captured 2nd Doctor & Benton to Omega's party.

Omega knows all about the Time Lords and their laws, and that they broke them to bring the Doctors together.
I like the idea that he's been watching the series on that telly of his.

After Omega has them locked away with Jo and Tyler, 3 accuses 2 of twittering on. Who would do such a thing!

Ha! Yes. All that "Other" guff!

It riffs off The Three Doctors a lot, and Moffat even admitted as much from quite early on.

While the others scarper...

The "dark side of [Omega's] mind" looks like some sort of egg-headed pig goblin with scales. And a bit crap, really.

The spooky effect of the slow motion and totally black space make it, but the creature looks very cheaply lashed together.
The escapees meet up with the Brig and Ollis and they all beat a retreat with the Gelguards hot on their heels.
The Time-Lords decide the 1st Doctor must go into the black hole. Well, most of season 3 & his early historicals, anyway.
Chris@KosmicKris again, I got so caught up in the funness of the story that it never occurred to me how mundane this cliffhanger was!
MAW Holmes@MAW_H "Yes! I'm going to kill you...!" (Dramatic close-up, run titles) "but... Not yet..."
The escapees make it back to Bessie and are finally able to show the Gelguards a clean pair of heels.
As usual, it's all an act, goading Omega to test out how his temper tantrums affect his control...
"This means nothing to me... Oh, Vienna!"
Now we learn the truth of Omega's predicament.
"I am, if you like, the Atlas of my world."

The escapees make it back to Bessie and are finally able to show the Gelguards a clean pair of heels.
As usual, it's all an act, goading Omega to test out how his temper tantrums affect his control...
"This means nothing to me... Oh, Vienna!"
Now we learn the truth of Omega's predicament.
"I am, if you like, the Atlas of my world."

Probably didn't notice because his Will still exists.

Omega throws a (screen) wobbler...
...and the Doctors escape.
The Doctors are reunited with their Bessie-bound buddies.
They make it back to the TARDIS...
...where the group will have to figure out how they can defeat Omega.
Omega throws the Gelguards after them.
...and the Doctors escape.
The Doctors are reunited with their Bessie-bound buddies.
They make it back to the TARDIS...
...where the group will have to figure out how they can defeat Omega.
Omega throws the Gelguards after them.
The Time-Lords are in such dire straits they can't even stretch to a colour TV.
Benton suggests knobbling Omega.
Luckily, Hartnell has a better idea.


"3 of them! I didn't know when I was well off!" says the Brig. Shhh, no-one tell him he's just been given *another* 13 lives.
The misisng recorder is found, trapped within the TARDIS' forcefield - and it's just what they need! (What were they going to do if they didn't have this, by the way?)

Then they ring Omega Taxis for a lift to blob base. "It'll be half an hour, love."
Omega takes the handbrake off the TARDIS so they can arrive chez blob.
The Doctors tell Omega they'll stay & keep him company, playing scrabble and having sings-songs etc.
Omega agrees to their only condition, to let their friends return to Earth. Oh, and Ollis. He can go too, I guess.
Tyler takes one giant step first...
...then Ollis...
...then (under protest) Benton.
Jo takes some persuading, too. Well, ordering from the Brig, any way.

Having packed their mates off through the lightstream made of steam the Doctors offer Omega the recorder.
Omega knocks the still-made-of-matter recorder from their hands & wipes himself out in the process. Berk.
Everyone is flung back to Earth and arrives in UNIT HQ. Everyone jump!

Jo fears the worst.
The Doctors in the TARDIS return! Hurrah!
As the 3rd Doctor explains that they all snapped back to their proper places...
...the 2nd laments the loss of his recorder. "It had a lovely tone..."
With the job done, it's time for the previous Doctors to say their goodbyes...
...including a very fond farewell indeed to the one and only William Hartnell.
"Well, the party's over now. You, young man, and I go back to our time zones. Though considering the way things have been going, well, I shudder to think what you'll do with out me..."
And it's Toodle-pip to Doctor number two, too!

The Brig goes all nerd and wants to make a big list. Benton's not sure how to account for anything missing.
The Doctor rues having to trick Omega, but hopes he's found peace. Don't worry, mate, he'll be chilling out in Amsterdam in no time.
The Time-Lords reward the Doctor by revoking his exile. Hurrah!

I do enjoy that story. Great stuff from all the cast.

Not to name drop or owt, but I'm off to read my copy of the Target novelisation signed by Sir Terrance Dicks!
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