Salamander was sucked out and Jamie nearly joined him.

JAMIE: "I'll try, Doctor, but I'll have to get to a better position."

Bizarre, isn't it! Only story this blank wall appears in as far as I know.
Here we go again!

Travers has managed to reactivate the Yeti's control sphere, but the sphere has disappeared...
...and sure enough, after Travers and Anne have left, it returns for its Yeti...

Although it is a sequel to an earlier story, of course.
The Yeti regenerates and strikes Silverstein down!
The Yeti regenerates and strikes Silverstein down!

"MOFFFAAAAATTTTT!!! *shakes fist* I'm never going to watch again! See you next week when I'll tell you what I hate about the next episode!"
Victoria's warmed to the idea of 60s clothing by now.
MAW Holmes@MAW_H After a week writhing around on the floor with Pat and Frazer...

It's caught in a web! Wonder what type...
"Of Fear", I bet.Now we're in a military base of sorts where a smarmy reporter is interviewing Captain Knight, paying tribute to his deceased commanding officer. A new one must be on the way...
It's Travers! Seems time has passed since the museum.
There's an emergency on that he's been drafted in to help with.
I love that they have that dartboard in the base.
Must have been very unusual at the time for a character like Travers to return to the show.

The Underground sets are absolutely brilliant.
Shove your "wobbly sets".
Something's not right. Where is everyone?
Love that creepy scene of the webbed newspaper seller.
Deliciously macabre.
Of course, we've been able to watch Episode One of this story for ages so this is not so much a novelty...
...but this does look to be a better print, and it's so atmospheric and magical anyway that it *always* feels new. 

As the Doctor follows the cable the soldiers have been laying...
...Jamie and Victoria walk into an ambush.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep...
It's the Yeti! First overground, now underground. Wombling free...
Anne Travers is such a top character, brought to life with great gusto by Tina Packer.
Anne Travers is such a top character, brought to life with great gusto by Tina Packer.

The Doctor hides by the tracks...
It's the Yeti making the web! The new style Yeti carry guns that spray the web.

There's an explosion of sorts...
...and the Doctor is blown off the platform by a flash of lights!
Okay, episode 2, now we're into the *really* missing-but-not-missing-anymore bit!

Jamie comes clean that the Doctor was on the platform so the soldiers theorize he's responsible for the non-explosion.
Chorley's such an oily coward. A gem of a performance there, hopefully he gets recognition now you can see it.

Travers is still tinkering with Yeti spheres when Anne brings the news that there are newcomers who know the Yeti are robotic. Travers has not only a sphere but the little Yeti control models. Doesn't exactly seem a good idea.
The reunion between Travers and Jamie & Victoria is just lovely.
Debbie and Jack, of course.
"She was born years before I was!"
...Chorley makes the Doctor his chief suspect.
Bek Hobbes@Greebobek I bet Chorley has had her phone tapped.
The reunion between Travers and Jamie & Victoria is just lovely.
Debbie and Jack, of course.
"She was born years before I was!"
Whilst Anne is sceptical of Victoria's explanations...
...Chorley makes the Doctor his chief suspect.

Here come the Yeti!
They look so great looming in the tunnels with their giant glowing eyes & claws.
...and web the doomed soldiers.
So much great use of sound in this; the Yeti roar is brilliant, toilet flush or not!

The musical refrains used are relentless and oppressive, really adding a layer to the dark, spooky atmosphere of the tunnels.
Victoria only hears the bit where Anne wonders if the Doctor is responsible for the web, of course...
...and leaves before Travers shoots down Anne's suspicions in flames.
Jamie and the soldiers have a lucky escape when the Yeti that have them under guard are summoned away...
"Tee-bet? Tee-bet? You must be joking!" The soldiers could be nobodies but Blake, Lane & Weams are all sympathetic.
Lovely little moments as they speculate where the web came from, and what it is.

"So I says to Tel, you have to make a good cuppa. Of course, it doesn't necessarily have to be YOUR cuppa!"
Travers isn't getting very far and needs the Doctor's help...
...and sooner rather than later: the web fungus is advancing again.
Driver Evans is a bit stereotypical, isn't he?
A recognisable figure in post-war depictions of British army groups, mind.
...and sooner rather than later: the web fungus is advancing again.
Driver Evans is a bit stereotypical, isn't he?
A recognisable figure in post-war depictions of British army groups, mind.

Jamie and Evans do make a great little doubleact though.
Love how claustrophobic the whole thing feels.
We get the same plot several times in a row this season but the atmosphere on this one makes it feel quite different.

And now the slideshow. Urgh. Shame on them for not animating this. Unforgiveable.

Ah, but you'd lose all the great scenes of the Colonel Brig taking charge.
How bizarre (in hindsight) that the Doctor and Lethbridge-Stewart met off-screen.

Well, as we now know, "Victoria" is just another splinter...
Lethbridge-Stewart really gets everyone's arses in gear. He dazzles straight away, doesn't he?
They're so pally in the Invasion, but the antagonism is back in full(er) swing when the 3rd Doctor arrives.
He and Evans have had to double back to evade the fungus.

Oh, the bitter, bitter, irony, as the Colonel shows them a slideshow.

The Doctor hatches a plan to strike back at the Yeti.
As long as there are no traitors in their midst, job's a good 'un.
As long as there are no traitors in their midst, job's a good 'un.

"Wenley Moor 1, Tooting Bec 1. Score draw for the pools there."
The armory has been webbed up and is useless!
Poor old Weams is a gonner...
...and Travers is attacked by a Yeti in the base!
Slideshow over!
Poor old Weams is a gonner...
...and Travers is attacked by a Yeti in the base!
Slideshow over!

Benton needs a shave.

Nice to see the Colonel in action at last!

The Doctor decides to gather a sample of the web fungus for analysis.
There goes Evans' baccy. At least he's still got his chocolate bar.
That pulsing cobweb looks great.
The scouting parties are reunited, both having been beaten back by the web fungus.
Returning to base, the Doctor and Jamie realize something is wrong straight away, and come across the webbed corpse of Weams.
Anne's shaken up by the Yeti attack.
The Intelligence is "a sort of formless shapeless thing floating about in space like a cloud of mist, only with a mind and will." Troughton in full-on sinister mode.
Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart doesn't remember Evans being his driver. Curious...

Just down to a slight touch of concussion from when the lorry was attacked, but there to induce paranoia that one of them's a traitor.
The Doctor admires Anne's skills with a screwdriver.
Registering a 4 on the Trout-Flirt-O-Meter.
Evans hardly seems the supervillain type, could he be the Great Intelligence in er, a Welsh driver's clothing?
Registering a 4 on the Trout-Flirt-O-Meter.
Evans hardly seems the supervillain type, could he be the Great Intelligence in er, a Welsh driver's clothing?

The Colonel formulates a plan to rescue the TARDIS, but it involves going overground at Covent Garden...

The Doctor attempts to analyse his web sample, only to find that someone's picked his pocket and cleaned the baccy tin out!
Arnold recruits Evans to help him and Lane enact the Doctor's plan to send explosives into the fungus on a moving trolley...
...while the Colonel leads a squad overground, with Blake wielding a rocket launcher.
Arnold and Lane go into the web, and moments later Evans hears their death screams...
When Evans pulls the trolley back, Lane is dead, and Arnold is nowhere to be seen.
You can see why the battle of covent garden blew people away when this was returned.
There's only actually four Yeti...
....but hats off to the late great Douglas Camfield...
...who has them relentlessly ploughing through the soldiers from every angle...
...tearing through them again and again.
Even if they do it to the Cybermen's theme tune...!

The Yeti are unexpectedly called away...
...and the Doctor finds Knight had a Yeti model planted on him.
The Colonel is the only one to make it back from the Warehouse. Wonder how he alone managed that...

The Intelligence has taken a rather creepy fancy to the Doctor, and, in particular, his TARDIS.
Remember how it dragged them down to Earth at the story's beginning?
The Intelligence confirms Travers was not the traitor, but "I have many other human hands at my command..."
At least she's able to leave her necklace as a trail for the others to follow.
Yeti Benton politely steps over it.
The Colonel wonders if the Intelligence will keep its' word . "It didn't in Tibet," remarks Jamie.
"Come on, Anne, don't give up! I need your help!" Troughton charming the ladies as always.

Jamie and the Colonel find the web fungus is boxing them in every which way.
The Doctor has the sphere working. Love Troughton coaxing it off the edge of the table.
Evans has reached the conclusion that either Jamie or the Colonel are working for the Intelligence.
Anne & the Doctor have succeeded in gaining control of a Yeti sphere. Now they just need a Yeti to try it out on!
50dw50@50dw50 they should run off together, she is more fun than dreary Victoria.
Anne & the Doctor have succeeded in gaining control of a Yeti sphere. Now they just need a Yeti to try it out on!

Travers and the Yeti take Victoria to the Intelligence's lair, where Travers is released by the now disembodied voice.
Jamie still suspects the Colonel may be the traitor, but they're soon on the right track with Victoria's necklace.
Also in the Yeti's lair is Staff Sergeant Arnold! He survived the explosion but looks rather the worse for wear.
"I may be stupid, but I'm not daft!" Evans is obviously the comedy relief character, but endearing nonetheless.
Arnold has managed to make it back to Jamie and the Colonel...
...and together they return to base.
As time ticks on, the Intelligence relocates Victoria and Travers.
The Doctor and Anne are off to capture a Yeti, but the range is rather shorter than Anne had expected!

The tone of the Doctor's "Hello Colonel" seems to imply he still suspects the Colonel...
Evans is surrounded by Yeti...
...and while the Yeti pen the the soldiers in....
...only Arnold is able to give them the slip and remain at large.

There's someone hiding by the Intelligence's pyramid...
Though presumably if he hadn't someone else would have reactivated the sphere in another time and place.

The Doctor walks past a poster advertsing Blockbusters.

The Doctor activates his Yeti, and would like a control hat like that, ready for the showdown.
Anne is reunited with the Professor.
Jamie plays with the remote control Yeti the Doctor gave him for Christmas.
Jamie plays with the remote control Yeti the Doctor gave him for Christmas.
Such a different performance from Jack Woolgar as the Intelligence stops pretending to be the long-dead Arnold.
Not like he only figured out to cross the wires after going into the Pyramid & couldn't reveal the plan till then.
And with that, the Doctor & friends bustle off, one eye on the studio clock as 10pm approaches!
"All these tunnels look the same to me!" They panic that the trains might start up again. Fat bloody chance.

So much in the performances, apart from the obvious greatness from Troughton (and yet again there is much in his flirting, this time with Anne Travers), there's Tina Packer's wry glances, Jack Watling's frustration and zombie acting, Weams' swagger, Blake's nervous ticks, Lethbridge-Stewart's focus, determination and strength, Chorley's misplaced professional pride. On top of all this you have sets and lighting that top pretty much anything else in the whole of the Troughton era, and the punishing and brutal battle of Covent Garden.

Coming Soon... Fury from the Deep
Coming Soon... Fury from the Deep
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