21st December 1963 - Part 1: The Dead Planet
...in which Susan is rubbish at reading the radiation meter...
...and the TARDIS lands in an overexposed forest.

Love the music in this; so creepy and atmospheric, etched in the mind.
Still that point of the show where the Doctor's almost the villain of the piece; he's always against the teachers!
50dw50@50dw50 no wonder children adored naughty old Dr Who.
It's still so early on for them all; Ian and Barbara don't feel like they've been away for too long yet.
Susan finds a petrified flower...
...which Ian accidentally shatters when he hears Barbara's startled cry.
Love the petrified metal lizard.
50dw50@50dw50 it is a shame some clever bod cannot do an animation of the metal creature.
Hartnell's wig is absolutely crazy in this episode.
We're still in that lightning in a bottle period where everything about the show's new & magical & fills you with awe.
Still that point of the show where the Doctor's almost the villain of the piece; he's always against the teachers!

It's still so early on for them all; Ian and Barbara don't feel like they've been away for too long yet.
Susan finds a petrified flower...
...which Ian accidentally shatters when he hears Barbara's startled cry.
Love the petrified metal lizard.

Hartnell's wig is absolutely crazy in this episode.
We're still in that lightning in a bottle period where everything about the show's new & magical & fills you with awe.
Anyone buy the theory that they've moved in time, but not space; the caveman story was already taking place on Skaro?
Ian's spotted a city in the distance and calls the others over. Everything that happens from here on in is his fault (including the Time War).
Ivan Kirby@hellothisisivan I love the binocular specs. That you have to hold up to your face. Like a pair of binoculars.
Ian's spotted a city in the distance and calls the others over. Everything that happens from here on in is his fault (including the Time War).
Ivan Kirby@hellothisisivan I love the binocular specs. That you have to hold up to your face. Like a pair of binoculars.
Here we go, divisions in the ranks. The Doctor wants to visit the city, the teachers don't.
It's only a model...
Ian finds the Bacon a bit salty. Cameron-brand I reckon.
Ivan Kirby@hellothisisivan The Dr's pride in English bacon is one of my fave bits in the show ever.
"Dear 500 yr diary: TARDIS knackered, Chameleon circuit stuck, stranded in one time & place. But the bacon is EXCELLENT."
There's a knock at the door but Ian insists they take off.
I bet the Doctor will totally accept this without putting up a fight, and won't wait till they're all looking at the monitor to disconnect something vital.
50dw50@50dw50 Babs menaced by an evil space plumber! eek! For all the padding it is a cracking episode!
50dw50@50dw50 is the TARDIS translating or is the Dalek word for "danger" actually "danger"?
The Doctor: "We need drugs." Always the first solution to spring to mind in the 60s.
He's forced to admit that there's nothing wrong with the fluid link, and he just wanted to trick them into letting him explore the city.
"You fool! You old fool!"
"Spack off."
They leave the room... and a legend is born!
Simon Pittman@LibraryPlayer If only they hadn't gone into the city in this, the Daleks would never have discovered the Time Lords and therefore no war!
It's only a model...
Susan gets lost in the BBC and a wandering hand cops a feel... Next Episode: Operation Yewtree.
50dw50@50dw50 was it in Carol Ann Ford's contract that she had to have hysterics once an episode?
Back to the TARDIS for a quick fiddle with the fault locator.
50dw50@50dw50 nice moment when Dr Who asks Babs for help with Susan.
50dw50@50dw50 rule number 1, the Doctor lies! fibbing Dr Who acting all ignorant about everything when he only hid the Hand of Omega a few days ago to zap the Daleks!
Barbara's got a headache. Not tonight, Ian.

Back to the TARDIS for a quick fiddle with the fault locator.

Barbara believes Susan when she says she couldn't have been mistaken, but the Doctor says no one could live out there.

Barbara's got a headache. Not tonight, Ian.
Ah, the food machine. Sci-Fi writers of the 50s & 60s really thought we'd all be eating like this by now.
Ian finds the Bacon a bit salty. Cameron-brand I reckon.
Ivan Kirby@hellothisisivan The Dr's pride in English bacon is one of my fave bits in the show ever.
"Dear 500 yr diary: TARDIS knackered, Chameleon circuit stuck, stranded in one time & place. But the bacon is EXCELLENT."
There's a knock at the door but Ian insists they take off.
I bet the Doctor will totally accept this without putting up a fight, and won't wait till they're all looking at the monitor to disconnect something vital.
Oh, fancy that. The fluid link is knackered and there's no replacement mercury.
They'll have to go to the city after all.
Quite a stroke of luck for the Doctor, that.
Someone's left them a chemistry set for Christmas.
Makes this a bit of a busman's adventure in space and time for Ian.
Shall we bother to take this with us? Nah, let's leave it in the TARDIS, sure we won't need it.
Have to say it was lovely to see the modern take on this city in The Magician's Apprentice & The Witch's Familiar.
As they arrive at the city, Ian's got a bit of a headache and the Doctor's exhausted. If only some kindly locals had left them some medication, eh?
The gang decide to split up. What could possibly go wrong?
Ooh, the city has snazzy futuristic sliding doors!
Loving the metal corridors with their odd slanting doorways.
Barbara's not back on time so the others enter the city after her.
She's wandered off the beaten track here...
And it's our first glimpse of terror as Barabra is menaced by the sink plunger of doom!
Chris@KosmicKris one of the most iconic scenes in televised Sci-Fi :) not a bad cliffhanger :)
(Note to BBC: this is the correct usage of the "iconic")
They'll have to go to the city after all.
Quite a stroke of luck for the Doctor, that.
Someone's left them a chemistry set for Christmas.
Makes this a bit of a busman's adventure in space and time for Ian.
Shall we bother to take this with us? Nah, let's leave it in the TARDIS, sure we won't need it.
Have to say it was lovely to see the modern take on this city in The Magician's Apprentice & The Witch's Familiar.
As they arrive at the city, Ian's got a bit of a headache and the Doctor's exhausted. If only some kindly locals had left them some medication, eh?
The gang decide to split up. What could possibly go wrong?
Ooh, the city has snazzy futuristic sliding doors!
Loving the metal corridors with their odd slanting doorways.
Barbara's not back on time so the others enter the city after her.
She's wandered off the beaten track here...
And it's our first glimpse of terror as Barabra is menaced by the sink plunger of doom!

(Note to BBC: this is the correct usage of the "iconic")

I just can't bring myself to see any of it as padding; at this stage every moment is still vital and new in the creation of the show!

The Doctor: "We need drugs." Always the first solution to spring to mind in the 60s.
He's forced to admit that there's nothing wrong with the fluid link, and he just wanted to trick them into letting him explore the city.
"You fool! You old fool!"
"Spack off."
They leave the room... and a legend is born!


The Doctor seems to be worst affected by the radiation, possibly due to his age.

Imagine if he'd regenerated at *this* point!
The Daleks agree that the TARDIS crew need drugs.
"TARDIS? He is becoming delirious. I do not understand his words."
Ian attempts to walk again but goes arse over tit while the others just watch.

It's going to have to be Susan that goes to score drugs from the Thals.

Barbara can't keep her eyes open. All those late nights following pupils home finally catching up with her.
Ian started out as an innocent chemistry teacher, but he broke bad. He ends up as Governor, anyway, we know that much.
Simon Pittman@LibraryPlayer I like the idea from Sarah Jane Adventures that Ian & Barbara haven't aged a day since the 60s! :-)
Not surprised Susan's crying. There she is, having a nice run on the spot & the FX boys are whipping her with twigs.
Susan's made it back to the TARDIS...
... and clutches the drugs happily, but she remembers Ians words, to come straight back.
There's a storm coming...
4th January 1964 - Part 3 "The Escape". Wonder if they'll get away in this one?

Not surprised Susan's crying. There she is, having a nice run on the spot & the FX boys are whipping her with twigs.
Susan's made it back to the TARDIS...
... and clutches the drugs happily, but she remembers Ians words, to come straight back.
There's a storm coming...
4th January 1964 - Part 3 "The Escape". Wonder if they'll get away in this one?
She plays it cool by calling him "perfect".
He says she's "too quick for me."
The Thals and Daleks haven't crossed paths for generations, so not knowing whether the Daleks might pinch the drugs for themselves, Alydon gives Susan a spare supply.
When Susan makes it back to the city she tells her friends how the Daleks discovered the spares but decided to let them have the drugs anyway.
The Thals are farmers. The Daleks are Peeping Toms.
He says she's "too quick for me."
The Thals and Daleks haven't crossed paths for generations, so not knowing whether the Daleks might pinch the drugs for themselves, Alydon gives Susan a spare supply.
When Susan makes it back to the city she tells her friends how the Daleks discovered the spares but decided to let them have the drugs anyway.
"This'll make your insides glow."
"Does it cure radiation sickness?"
"Sure, why not?"
The Thals are farmers. The Daleks are Peeping Toms.
50+ years later, with the benefit of the hindsight of all this story's sequels, the character of the Daleks is bizarre.
They talk amongst themselves and debate what to do next, which is really odd.

These Thals are a rum bunch.
Part simple farmers, part space hippies, part innuendo-mongers.
Is there a faint hint of some sort of an arranged marriage between Alydon & Dyoni here from Temmosus? Weird.
Susan helps the Daleks write a love letter to the Thals. "ROSES-ARE-RED, DALEK-BUMPS-ARE-BLUE..."
The time travellers get their teamwork on to stop the Daleks spying on them.
This is where science teacher Chatterton, er Chesteron, figures out that the Daleks are basically just dodgem cars...
Barbara reads out the description of the Daleks from the script directions, which is wrong now that Cusick's iconic design is in place.
"It's eye is on a flexible stalk..." No it isn't.
Ganatus denies that his brother is afraid.
That won't come back to bite him, I bet.
Ian's thinking of throwing a coat over the Dalek, Barbara just wants Susan's shoes.
And soon enough, team TARDIS captures and neutralizes a Dalek.
Our intriguing first scenes with the insides of a Dalek...

Bit of a tight squeeze for Ian.
Ian does an okay impersonation of a Dalek.
Ian does an okay impersonation of a Dalek.
Simon Pittman@LibraryPlayer And very different to how Clara pretends to be a Dalek in Witch's Familiar.
At a stretch maybe these insular city Daleks have stripped out all but the most basic motor systems from Davros' original design?
atruedrwhofan@atruedrwhofan I think these are Mark I or II Dalek travel machines. It explains why they dont have vertical slats the Mark III ones do.
Simon Pittman@LibraryPlayer Think I prefer the Dalek creatures when we only see glimpses... make them more horrific not knowing what they look like.
By the sounds of it, it's a good job he never gave us his Koquillion.
And our first ever glimpse of the true Dalek creature for the cliffhanger...
11th January 1964 - Part 4 "The Ambush"
Challenged by a gatekeeper Dalek, the team have a hairy moment but some quick thinking from Susan co-opts its' help to help them make it into the next section.
Their success is short lived, though, and the Daleks start to cut their way in.
"They are to be exterminated. You understand? Exterminated!" Hilarious.
There's a problem, though - Ian can't get out of their captured Dalek casing, and it won't fit in the lift with the others.
Let's just back up a minute and let that sink in. The Dalek won't fit in a lift in a Dale city, designed by Daleks for Daleks.
Love that dodgy lift effect.
Tense stuff - can Ian escape in time? Hint: Yes.
It's an empty casing that bites the dust...
...Ian is reunited with his friends. Hurrah!
Here come the Thals, the bunch of wet lettuces. The time travellers fail to attract their attention.
The Daleks have sculptures in their city, so there's something for Ian & Barbara to shove down the lift shaft like hooligans.
The Daleks get ready to spring their trap as the Thals arrive to pick up the promised goodies.
The Doctor and his pals are away... but go back to warn the Thals about the Daleks' ambush.
50dw50@50dw50 small point but it is impressive they put the metal sounds on their feet when they are running in the city.
Good spot, yes, very much sells the whole thing, doesn't it, makes the city feel real.
The Thal leader, Temmossus, is gunned down as Ian's warning comes too late for him but saves the others.
And our first ever glimpse of the true Dalek creature for the cliffhanger...
11th January 1964 - Part 4 "The Ambush"
Challenged by a gatekeeper Dalek, the team have a hairy moment but some quick thinking from Susan co-opts its' help to help them make it into the next section.
Their success is short lived, though, and the Daleks start to cut their way in.
"They are to be exterminated. You understand? Exterminated!" Hilarious.
There's a problem, though - Ian can't get out of their captured Dalek casing, and it won't fit in the lift with the others.
Let's just back up a minute and let that sink in. The Dalek won't fit in a lift in a Dale city, designed by Daleks for Daleks.
Love that dodgy lift effect.
Tense stuff - can Ian escape in time? Hint: Yes.
It's an empty casing that bites the dust...
...Ian is reunited with his friends. Hurrah!
Here come the Thals, the bunch of wet lettuces. The time travellers fail to attract their attention.
The Daleks have sculptures in their city, so there's something for Ian & Barbara to shove down the lift shaft like hooligans.
The Daleks get ready to spring their trap as the Thals arrive to pick up the promised goodies.
The Doctor and his pals are away... but go back to warn the Thals about the Daleks' ambush.

Good spot, yes, very much sells the whole thing, doesn't it, makes the city feel real.
The Thal leader, Temmossus, is gunned down as Ian's warning comes too late for him but saves the others.
Having helped the Thals escape the ambush, the gang retreat to the TARDIS...
...where Dyoni shows the Doctor their collection of missing episodes.
The Doctor is able to sift through the production records to indulge in some amateur astronomy.
Skaro is the 12th planet of its solar system.
...where Dyoni shows the Doctor their collection of missing episodes.
The Doctor is able to sift through the production records to indulge in some amateur astronomy.
Skaro is the 12th planet of its solar system.
Ian is frustrated with Alydon's stalwart pacificism, warning him that the Daleks will hunt them down.
Now the Doctor gives Barbara a history lessons about the mutation cycle of the Thals.
Now the Doctor gives Barbara a history lessons about the mutation cycle of the Thals.
You're onto your second VHS now if you're rocking this old school.
Charles Daniels@ukoddball VHS? Heathen! I will only watch Dr Who In the loving glow of Betamax

He won't ask the Thals to give up their lives for the TARDIS crew...
...but he will provoke them into fighting for their own survival.
50dw50@50dw50 it has to be said that the Barry directed episodes are the better ones, pity Martin directed the next two Dalek stories.
The Daleks that have had the anti-radiation drugs are tripping out of their casings.
Absolutely off their Dalek bumps.
50dw50@50dw50 a minutes silence for the Daleks in section 3.
Tell you what, the cradboard cutouts are in evidence already.
The Daleks plan to set off another neutron bomb. When in doubt.
Alydon decides there's nowt wrong with being afraid to die but it's a terrible shame to be afraid to live. Plus he wants his tea.
Ganatus continues his best efforts to charm Barbara.
atruedrwhofan@atruedrwhofan The Doctor starts as a thief, vandal, a sneaky, selfish person who distrusts his friends. Is this a childrens hero? :)
Whinging Antodus wants to go back, and worse, to tell the others that Ian & Barbara died.
The brothers scuffle and Antodus is grazed in the resultant rockfall, but alive. Bugger.
The Doctor's plan to blind the Daleks with mirrors is going well...
...but he's having so much fun vandalising their stuff...
...he fails to notice that the Daleks have crept up on him and Susan.
The Expedition reaches a ledge, but they should be able to make it to the other side.
It's still only really a matter of hours since Ian was teaching kids about Litmus paper.
As the Doctor and Susan are held captive...
...Barbara finds relief in Ian's arms.
Antodus is up to his old tricks and fudges his leap, pulling Ian after him!
Literal Cliffhanger! In only the series' 10th episode. Well there you go.
1st February 1964 Episode 7 "The Rescue" not to be confused with The Rescue.
Antodus cuts the rope and falls to his death...
...giving his own life to save Ian. Blimey.
50dw50@50dw50 unlike the movie they have the guts to kill him.
The Doctor rails against "senseless, evil killing."
They *finally* make it back to the city and we're exactly where we were shortly before the end of part 4.
46... 45... 44... the Daleks would've had their victory if they'd just used a shorter countdown.
The expedition are reunited with Alydon and the other Thals who made it in the front way. So the expedition was totally pointless and Antodus died for nothing. Rub it in, why don't you?
It's a bit of a squeeze into the Dalek control room.
And there are casualties.
Oo 'eck, it's all kicking off!
So with the static power switched off, the Daleks are defeated, their countdown halted, and the Thals have their city.
The last Dalek begs for the Doctor's help, then its' eyestalk points straight at the ceiling as it dies. In later stories, this is how Daleks communicate over long range - is this one sending intel to Daleks that long ago left Skaro, perhaps?
Odd that the Doctor's on the side of the invaders, attacking the Daleks in their base under siege! Ian has recovered the fluid link, anyway!
"If only there'd been some other way!" laments Alydon. Clearly their history records include Warriors of the Deep.
Didn't really make sure that the mutants had died inside their casings, did they?
Once the power's switched back on... well...
And they're off.
The Thals want the Doctor to stay. No chance of that.
"Always search for the truth. My truth is in the stars..."
Susan gets to keep Alydon's flasher mac.
Barbara snogs Ganatus, then legs it into the TARDIS, embarassed. What goes on on Skaro stays on Skaro.
With the story over, the TARDIS takes off...
...but there's a huge explosion...
... meaning the next episode will be spent on the Edge of Destruction!
Just to be clear, this story is absolutely *not* known as "The Mutants" under any circumstances in this house...
...and Mark Gatiss agrees!
50dw50@50dw50 it's The Daleks! avoid trendy revisionist facts!
If you *must* be pedantic (don't) I think there's a better case for "The Dead Planet" as the 1973 Radio Times 10th Anniversary special was the first time that there'd been an officially sanctioned overall story title published; prior to that "the Mutants" only rocked up on some pre-production paperwork as a working title. By the time it got to the screen, it had individual episode titles.
It makes far more sense (or at least has a consistent logic) to go with "An Unearthly Child", "The Dead Planet" and "The Edge of Destruction".
As for "The Mutants" - balls to it, no bugger calls Marco Polo "A Journey to Cathay" do they! Do we start calling Earthshock "Sentinel" or The Ark in Space "Puffball"? No, clearly not.
It's not clever, and no-one is impressed by a tediously smug "well, actually" bore.
So if you're one of those "Mutants" gatekeepers, well you enjoy your obstinacy, as far as I'm concerned, the DVD release and this are enough to clinch it. If you want to call it "the Mutants" then you better also get used to calling the first story "Nuts!" because Sydney Newman handwrote that on some early paperwork, so it must be the "real" title.
"The Daleks" is clear, inclusive, and when all's said and done, official.
Coming Soon... The Horns of Nimon
...but he will provoke them into fighting for their own survival.

The Daleks that have had the anti-radiation drugs are tripping out of their casings.
Absolutely off their Dalek bumps.

Tell you what, the cradboard cutouts are in evidence already.
The Daleks plan to set off another neutron bomb. When in doubt.
Alydon decides there's nowt wrong with being afraid to die but it's a terrible shame to be afraid to live. Plus he wants his tea.
Ganatus continues his best efforts to charm Barbara.
"Only a fool would attack the city from the lake..."
Love all the sound FX of the Lake of Mutations.
Reused in The Daleks' Master Plan & nearly 10 years later on Spiridon.
Plod, plod, trek, trek. This could have been 5 episodes long quite happily.
Chris@KosmicKris Terry Nation did like a bit of padding every now and then :)
Love all the sound FX of the Lake of Mutations.
Reused in The Daleks' Master Plan & nearly 10 years later on Spiridon.
Plod, plod, trek, trek. This could have been 5 episodes long quite happily.

Ganatus laments the nomadic lifestyle of the Thals. He misses having a local.
Much overlooked shot with a model shot insert of the pipes into the Dalek city here.
atruedrwhofan@atruedrwhofan shots like that and seeing the Dalek city are taken for granted these days. Beautiful inlays that tell the story.
Elyon's been dragged into that whirlpool by one of the mutations.
Don't really care.
50dw50@50dw50 a Richard Martin episode entitled The Ordeal was probably tempting fate.
25th January 1964: Part 6 "The Ordeal"
Antodus struggles once more. Seems he's going to be a problem.
The binocular (magnifying) glasses are brilliant. Now *those* are brainy specs!
Simon Pittman@LibraryPlayer An early model of the sonic sunglasses perhaps? ;-)
The Daleks need to leak radiation quicker than a neutron bomb would allow. Have they thought of giving it to Marcelo Camargo?
"Do you always do what Ian says?"
Now some wibbling from the Thals. It's not just us at the end of our rope.
Love that one sceptical Dalek.
So while the expeditions goes through the mountains, the remaining Thals help out by, er, flashing the Daleks.
"We'll show them a thing or two!"
50dw50@50dw50 Hartnell is getting much more loveable now.
Much overlooked shot with a model shot insert of the pipes into the Dalek city here.

Elyon's been dragged into that whirlpool by one of the mutations.
Don't really care.
Next episode: The Ordeal. It's already becoming a bit of an ordeal, love.

25th January 1964: Part 6 "The Ordeal"
Antodus struggles once more. Seems he's going to be a problem.
The binocular (magnifying) glasses are brilliant. Now *those* are brainy specs!

The Daleks need to leak radiation quicker than a neutron bomb would allow. Have they thought of giving it to Marcelo Camargo?
"Do you always do what Ian says?"
Now some wibbling from the Thals. It's not just us at the end of our rope.
Love that one sceptical Dalek.
So while the expeditions goes through the mountains, the remaining Thals help out by, er, flashing the Daleks.
"We'll show them a thing or two!"

Whinging Antodus wants to go back, and worse, to tell the others that Ian & Barbara died.
The brothers scuffle and Antodus is grazed in the resultant rockfall, but alive. Bugger.
The Doctor's plan to blind the Daleks with mirrors is going well...
...but he's having so much fun vandalising their stuff...
...he fails to notice that the Daleks have crept up on him and Susan.
The Expedition reaches a ledge, but they should be able to make it to the other side.
It's still only really a matter of hours since Ian was teaching kids about Litmus paper.
As the Doctor and Susan are held captive...
...Barbara finds relief in Ian's arms.
Antodus is up to his old tricks and fudges his leap, pulling Ian after him!
Literal Cliffhanger! In only the series' 10th episode. Well there you go.
1st February 1964 Episode 7 "The Rescue" not to be confused with The Rescue.
Antodus cuts the rope and falls to his death...
...giving his own life to save Ian. Blimey.

The Doctor rails against "senseless, evil killing."
They *finally* make it back to the city and we're exactly where we were shortly before the end of part 4.
46... 45... 44... the Daleks would've had their victory if they'd just used a shorter countdown.
The expedition are reunited with Alydon and the other Thals who made it in the front way. So the expedition was totally pointless and Antodus died for nothing. Rub it in, why don't you?
It's a bit of a squeeze into the Dalek control room.
And there are casualties.
Oo 'eck, it's all kicking off!
So with the static power switched off, the Daleks are defeated, their countdown halted, and the Thals have their city.
The last Dalek begs for the Doctor's help, then its' eyestalk points straight at the ceiling as it dies. In later stories, this is how Daleks communicate over long range - is this one sending intel to Daleks that long ago left Skaro, perhaps?
Odd that the Doctor's on the side of the invaders, attacking the Daleks in their base under siege! Ian has recovered the fluid link, anyway!
"If only there'd been some other way!" laments Alydon. Clearly their history records include Warriors of the Deep.
Didn't really make sure that the mutants had died inside their casings, did they?
Once the power's switched back on... well...
And they're off.
The Thals want the Doctor to stay. No chance of that.
"Always search for the truth. My truth is in the stars..."
Susan gets to keep Alydon's flasher mac.
Barbara snogs Ganatus, then legs it into the TARDIS, embarassed. What goes on on Skaro stays on Skaro.
With the story over, the TARDIS takes off...
...but there's a huge explosion...
... meaning the next episode will be spent on the Edge of Destruction!
What's in a name?
Just to be clear, this story is absolutely *not* known as "The Mutants" under any circumstances in this house...
...and Mark Gatiss agrees!

If you *must* be pedantic (don't) I think there's a better case for "The Dead Planet" as the 1973 Radio Times 10th Anniversary special was the first time that there'd been an officially sanctioned overall story title published; prior to that "the Mutants" only rocked up on some pre-production paperwork as a working title. By the time it got to the screen, it had individual episode titles.
It makes far more sense (or at least has a consistent logic) to go with "An Unearthly Child", "The Dead Planet" and "The Edge of Destruction".
As for "The Mutants" - balls to it, no bugger calls Marco Polo "A Journey to Cathay" do they! Do we start calling Earthshock "Sentinel" or The Ark in Space "Puffball"? No, clearly not.
It's not clever, and no-one is impressed by a tediously smug "well, actually" bore.
So if you're one of those "Mutants" gatekeepers, well you enjoy your obstinacy, as far as I'm concerned, the DVD release and this are enough to clinch it. If you want to call it "the Mutants" then you better also get used to calling the first story "Nuts!" because Sydney Newman handwrote that on some early paperwork, so it must be the "real" title.
"The Daleks" is clear, inclusive, and when all's said and done, official.
Coming Soon... The Horns of Nimon