Christmas Special 2007: 1 x 75 min episode, 25th December 2007, Writer: Russell T. Davies, Director: James Strong, Producer: Phil Collinson, Executive Producers: Russell T. Davies & Julie Gardner
Bit of a cop out as he simply reverses and the TARDIS wall rebuilds itself.
Mark@Th3DarkMark I thought that was kind of cool and amusing at the time, but as you say a slight anti-climax!

The Doctor rematerializes the TARDIS aboard the ship...
...and he steps out for a quick look see.
Hang on, robots? Aliens? Space?
This isn't the Titanic we were expecting!

The Starship Titanic is captained by none other than Geoffrey Palmer!
He and his crew decked out in Edwardian era uniforms, rather like those Eternals the Doctor encountered in the race for Enlightenment.
Captain Geoff orders the lads to knock off for a Christmas tot of rum. Very generous.
Here's that lad that can't act but Rusty T fancies him, so he gets work.

50dw50@50dw50 it is still amazing they got her to do it .
Yeah, but I remember that weird period where the rumours seemed so bizarre they must be true! And then they were!

Apparently if Kylie'd said no, it would have been Claire Goose.
The Doctor scrubs up to get some information from the VOC-like Heavenly Hosts.

Seems the robotic servants are on the blink. Always a good sign.

The Doctor admits he's a stowaway.
Like what the singer's singing about.
Next the Doctor does over some snobs being mean to competition winning couple Morvin & Foon.
Tour Guide Mr. Copper seems to have researched his Earth facts on Wikipedia.

So odd though that the actor was allegedly so obnoxious when the character is so heartwarming! Obviously a GREAT actor!!

Rather backs up that he was like that the whole time doesn't it! i.e. if they were happy to hang him out to dry.

The Doctor investigates Max Capricorn & Capt. Geoff has turned the shields off & here come some asteroids...

As the passengers panic the Heavenly Host have reassuring 'information': "You are all going to die." Good-o.

The Titanic's been crippled by meteorites & is going down. Who saw that coming?
The cowardly steward's worse than useless, and is blown out into space by his own stupidity.
The TARDIS drifts away, back to Earth.

Ruddy selfish - naffing off to safety and leaving him in danger! Not what you expect is it!

To make matters worse, the Heavenly Host choose now to go on a killing spree.
Midshipman RADA isn't much help.
"I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old and I'm the man who's going to save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?"

Ah, Foon & Morvin get all mushy and tug at the heartstrings. "You drive me barmy, but I don't half love you."
Meanwhile the Minog-you gets engaged to the cybernetic Banana-Cafe-Latte.
Here come the Host to help. Sorry, I meant kill.
Even Business Arse, Ricketts Slayed, gets stuck in when the Host attack.
"You might be a Time King from Gaddabee but you need to eat."
Turns out Mr. Copper was a washed up salesman who got his degree in "Earthonomics" off t'internet.
When they reach the bridge at Khazad-Dum, Morvin takes a tumble...
It's all very Poseidon Adventure at this point, nice change for an Xmas special.
Now Banana-Cafe-Latte's carked it too. Turning into a massacre this.
Foon takes out the Host threatening the Doctor. And then there were 4.

Yes, and *stays* dead!

The Doctor tries to convince the Host that he doesn't exist.
If he's not crew or a surviving passenger, he's a stowaway & should be taken to someone in authority...
The Host give him a lift, and take him to their leader - Max Capricorn!
I've always thought that Max Capricorn's appearance was perhaps an intentional foreshadowing of the return of Davros at the end of the then upcoming series.
It's all just an insurance scam: Capricorn planned to survive the Titanic & collect. "All because Max Capricorn is a loser! You can't even sink the Titanic!"
When it looks like all is lost, Astrid sacrifices herself, fork lifting Capricorn - and herself - to oblivion!
A grief-stricken Davey T gives it the slo-mo walk of cool.

Rusty T's boytoy's named "Alonso", solely for the execrable "Alons-y, Alonso!" gag. No, don't. Don't do that.

True! Good point!
It's crunch time with the Titanic in a nosedive so bad even Nick Witchell's deserted Buck House. The Doctor saves the day, much to Liz 2's delight.

The Doctor tortures himself with a ghostly echo of Astrid's last atoms...
The Doctor snogs a ghost under the mistletoe. What's that? Spectre-philia?
Mr. Copper can sidle off and remain on Earth with his "expert" knowledge. But the Business Arse has survived too. The Doctor looks positively murderous...
A gentle pull back from Mr. Copper, tho: "Of all the people to survive, he's not the one you would have chosen, is he? But if you could choose, Doctor, if you decide who lives and who dies, that would make you a monster."
Hurrah, the TARDIS! Hurrah, Copper is rich!

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Copper."

Compare the "new season" trailer promoting 2008's Series 4 to the dull, muddy looking "same old, same old" one we got for Series 9.

Coming Soon: The Two Doctors