Season 10, Story 4/5: 6 x 25min episodes, 7th April to 12th May 1973, Writer: Terry Nation, Director: David Maloney, Script Editor: Terrance Dicks, Producer: Barry Letts
Here's the recap from the last episode that was really filmed as part of this episode. Wibbly wobbly...

I guess so. Only a bit of wall flat and the TARDIS, I suppose.

Don't remember those Ikea cupboards being in the TARDIS before.
Record it in the log that has never been mentioned before EVER.
Record it in the log that has never been mentioned before EVER.
As it's so urgent, Jo's changed her outfit.

Crikey, look at Pertwee's dandruff.
The Doctor's gone into one of his icy comas like in the Daemons.
The time-Lords picked up that the Doctor was in distress so have steered the TARDIS for him.

Urgh, 'orrible plants gobbing on the scanner screen. Triffids? Looks like the Doctor, much like most of the UK at the time, still only has a black and white telly.
Jo's gone for a walk in that noisy studio jungle, in her best flasher mac.

I really like this jungle. Looks very lush. And nice bits of alien-ness.
Isaac Dakin@IWhittakerDakin It's very bright and colourful kids'll definitely like looking at it.

Someone's doing some heavy breathing in the bushes.
One of those nasty plastic plants has just vomited on Jo's hand.

Jo's found what seems to be an abandoned caravan.
The Doctor wakes up to find the TARDIS doors are jammed and the oxygen's running out...
The idea of the TARDIS running out of oxygen is awful.
I'm surprised at Nation but even more surprised at Terry Dicks. His job to weed out shonky ideas like that: that the TARDIS is a small normal spaceship with that little oxygen.

Not installed yet, I guess...Yay, Bernard Horsfall! Damn, Prentiss Hancock!
Taron is qualified in "space medicine". Nation, you twonk.

The invisible man's looting the Thals' caravan now.
Nation loves his invisible monsters!
Pertwee too stops for a costume change when he's trapped and in danger.
Not sure about Pertwee in purple. What does anyone else think?

Oh, it's "The Daleks", absolutely no two ways about it!!
Hancock's wig is awful.
Spiridon is a "nasty piece of space garbage" according to Vaber.
Tarron makes with the space medicine, spraying a fungicide on the Doctor to prevent the plant spew engulfing his whole body...
...which is bad news for Jo, whose hand has started to go manky.
The Doctor has to convince the Thals that he's really William Hartnell.
Jo's got full blown arm lurgy now thanks to the spew-plants.
Wonder what the cliffhanger could possibly be?
Spray painting the invisble Dalek visible is a great idea, and actually a neat effect.

The Daleks haven't mastered the invisibility though.
The Doctor stops Codal making a fatal error.

I guess it's something intended for use elsewhere anyway, and most of the experiments go on in their underground lab.

A root gets frisky with Vaber...
...while Taron and Codal play hide and seek with a couple of Daleks.
Jo walks out, drops the Doctor's recorder, then goes back in.
"As far as I know there's only 12 [Daleks]." That means there's millions, naturally.
When the Spiridons stalk the Thal party, Codal leads them away, only to be thumped unconscious with a stick.
The Doctor finds Jo's recordings, but the Daleks are hot on their heels...
Ooh, "new" Dalek voice! Roy Skelton returns since 1st appearing in The Evil of the Daleks in 67.
But this is the 1st time in the 70s we've had what sounds like a proper Dalek voice.
When the Doctor leaps to her defence, they stun his legs...

Think so, yeah. It's like Nation has just recently been re-reading those original scripts, this one.

Don't think you'll get many arguments there!

Naughty bit of padding as the Daleks plod the Doctor through the lifts and corridors. Pure timewasting.
Hope he enjoyed his week off, because he's being locked up again. There he's reunited with Codal.
"Courage isn’t a matter of not being frightened, it’s being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway."
The Doctor really thinks Jo is dead at this point.
Whereas she's actually having a nap in a purple fur coat.
She was rescued from the Thal caravan by a friendly Spiridon named Wester, who mixes up a cure for her manky arm.
The Daleks continue their light ray experiments.
Tarron and Vaber go to recover their bombs; hot headed Vaber is still banging on about attacking with no plan.
Their little face off is interrupted: Shake the camera and shine a red light! There's a ship landing!
The Doctor and Codal set about thinking of a way to escape.
Invisible Zippy explains that his people have been enslaved by the Daleks; he had hoped the Thals could help. Jo realizes the silver haired man in strange clothes that Wester saw must be the Doctor.
The new arrivals are also Thals, and the first to make it is Rebec, who brings urgent news...
"Somewhere on this planet there are 10,000 Daleks!"
"Probably in those ice caves."
"Oh yeah."
I remember watching episode 3 in B&W in 93 on BBC1. Forgot for a moment the recoloured one is only on DVD. The results are astounding. The skin tones aren't *quite* there, but you do pretty much forget this has been recoloured.

I think it was the colour copy on Virgin's on demand service a while back, too.

Unusually sensible approach from the beeb, that! Always used to begrudge giving good quality copies, jealous of potentially lost DVD sales, very shortsighted as it put inferior product in the 'shop window'.

Caught a few bits and I'm sure they were - tomb seemed to be vidfired, for instance.

Yes, very fond memories. When UKGold was worth the name. All that archive telly. Pre Top Gear & QI!
Jason McLaughlin@jangomac72 Gold is sadly a shadow of its former glorious 90s self these days.

The Doctor and Codal tinker with a dictaphone to make a Dalek brain-scrambler. He'll rig something like it later, in the past, at Coal Hill School in 1963, though he'll have forgotten how to pronounce "Spiridon".
Tarron shows Rebec the icecano that the Daleks came here to utilize.
Wallpaper paste!
The Thal plan is to sneak into the city through a vent and blow up the refrigeration plant.
The Doctor's brain scrambler is ready. All they need now is a Dalek to test it out on!

Jo's made it right into the Dalek nerve centre now.
The Doctor gets ready to give Codal scrambled Dalek brains for breakfast.

Why *DO* the Daleks need a refrigeration unit in an "icecano" again?

Explanation acceptable.
Now the Thals are in the ice tunnels, wading through wallpaper paste.
Weird twinkly sound FX with the Dalek guns.

It's a very faithful idea, I reckon Nation would very much have approved that!

Sacrificed himself for the sake of the "speaking parts" budget.
Unfortunately, the Thals have dropped the map showing where their bombs are hidden.
Seems like there's only one way out...
...and the Daleks are cutting their way in.
This makeshift hot air balloon idea is bonkers but fun.

You'd probably have to say the really conniving, scheming ones of more recent times owe more to David Whittaker.
Will the Doctor's plan get off the ground in time? It's not working!
Back to "true" colour for episode 4, as the Doctor and his Thal chums finally get a lift.
The Daleks are fashionably late to the cliffhanger.
The film footage looks great.
Not out of the woods - er jungle - yet; the Daleks have sent off for an anti-gravitational disc.

Jo's crept after the Daleks...
...and when they decide the local geology's a bit too iffy...
...Jo attempts to defuse the bombs herself.
Bad idea!
The ascent continues, but the parachute might not make it all the way...
How come the Dalek anti-gravitational disc can only go the same speed as their crappy hot air parachute thing?

Jo wakes in the nick of time to rescue the Thal bombs...
...but smartly leaves just one to take out her Dalek pursuers.
The Doctor needs a helping hand when the parachute finally tears...
...and the pursuing Dalek is given the shaft.
The Daleks regroup, including the spray painted Dalek from the first cliffhanger, and turn their attention to biological weapons.
The Doctor is reunited with Jo.
Jo! I'm so pleased to see you're alive! Now SHUT UP!
A bit of a breather here now they've escaped from the Dalek city. They'll be going back in soon, though.
Crappy "Women on the battlefield distract the soldiers" guff from Nation here.
The Daleks' virus stew is simmering away nicely.
Jo recaps episodes 1 to 3 for us and reminds the Doctor he was supposed to be here for a reason.
Now Latep is cracking on to Jo.
Paul Cooke@paulpcooke Always amuses me how wet Latep is, as his name is an anagram of Petal

Taron and Vaber have a playground scrap about Rebec. Whatever.
Now Vaber's naffed off with the bombs. This is getting a bit ploddy.
Vaber is captured by the Spiridons. Purple fur wearing ones, so he doesn't even have the usual 'they're invisible' excuse.
"Take him to the Daleks!"
Now Vaber's naffed off with the bombs. This is getting a bit ploddy.
Vaber is captured by the Spiridons. Purple fur wearing ones, so he doesn't even have the usual 'they're invisible' excuse.
"Take him to the Daleks!"
Love the glowing eyes in the dark. Simple & daft but effective. Nice to imagine the jungle teeming with life.
Tarron and Codal manage to overpower a Spiridon and nick his or her coat.
"If they come in ones or twos we might manage to beat them off!" Steady on!
Codal is attacked by a Spiridon, but rescued by Taron, and they disguise themselves in purple fur coats. Now *that's* ostentatious, Nige.
Tarron and Codal manage to overpower a Spiridon and nick his or her coat.
"If they come in ones or twos we might manage to beat them off!" Steady on!
Codal is attacked by a Spiridon, but rescued by Taron, and they disguise themselves in purple fur coats. Now *that's* ostentatious, Nige.

Ah, last night in the story. Wondered what you'd been up to last night for a minute, then! ;-P

Jo is able to save her friend Wester from a beating at the stick-wielding hands of the pacifist Doctor.
Those Spiridons seem to have taken all night to "take him to the Daleks" as per the last cliffhanger...
Tarron is powerless and can only watch... the Daleks exterminate Vaber. Thank God for that. Annoying tosser.
"I do have a plan. You'll have to trust me." HE DOESN'T HAVE A PLAN.
A mere stone's throw from the jungle is a quarry-surrounded bubbling ice lake filled with wallpaper paste.
Jo and Latep are out of breath in the bushes. You know why.
Paul Cooke@paulpcooke Oh, Petal, belt up! Never, EVER in a million rels
A mere stone's throw from the jungle is a quarry-surrounded bubbling ice lake filled with wallpaper paste.
Jo and Latep are out of breath in the bushes. You know why.

The Daleks are right behind us, quick, let's get out of the studio and back on film!

After their ice bath...
...the Daleks are rendered harmless (They conveniently forget the distress signal Pertwee mentioned at the start of episode 2 while getting inside the Dalek), so the Doctor's plan is to scoop the mutants out...
...and use their casings as a decoy for the old prisoner and guard trick.
Wester's plagued the Daleks.
Now they can never leave.
The Dalek Supreme's on his way, apparently. Ooh, the Dalek Supreme, eh? Can't wait to see him!
"Wait, you are not Spiridons, I can see your feet and everything!" End of part 5!
Will Codal get out in time?
Yes. Yes he will.
The Doctor keeps an eye on the army of Dalek popsicles. If they thaw out there'll be trouble.
The Supreme Dalek is crazy! Gold and black and huge with a torch for an eye and jam jar "ear" lights! Amazing.
Paul Cooke@paulpcooke Torchy, the Battery Dalek
Blimey. Now the Supreme Dalek's playing SurAlan - "You're fired!" Exterminating other Daleks and everything.
Paul Cooke@paulpcooke Torchy's lights are very out of synch with his speech. Can he see whilst he speaks?

Blimey. Now the Supreme Dalek's playing SurAlan - "You're fired!" Exterminating other Daleks and everything.

The Doctor and Codal find the perfect place for the bomb, but one of the fidgety Daleks knocks it down...

The Doctor has to go down into the pit to retrieve it.
Latep and Jo arrive to keep the Daleks at bay with a well slid bomb.
Codal and the Doctor are on a short fuse...
The Dalek army stirs, and their window of opportunity is fast disappearing.
Take that, new model Dalek army! Boom!
But will it set off the chain reaction they need?
The wallpaper paste volcano has erupted!

The Supreme Dalek's lights are so bright they're flaring all over the shop as if this is directed by JJ Abrams
The Thals can use the Dalek ship to return to Skaro.
Here comes the preachy bit...
...followed by the chump-of-the-week-proposes-to-Jo bit.
"I've asked Jo to come back to Skaro with me, any objections?"
...followed by the chump-of-the-week-proposes-to-Jo bit.
"I've asked Jo to come back to Skaro with me, any objections?"

The Thals take off in the Daleks' rocket powered wedding cake, but the bling Supreme's still on the warpath.
But Jo and the Doctor have made it back to the safety of the TARDIS.
"We have been delayed, not defeated!" Sentiments that the Daleks will echo later in Genesis of the Daleks.
In the safety of the TARDIS...
"Any regrets?"
"Nah, if I'm going to shack up with someone in a quarry, I'll do it in Wales."
"Home it is, Miss Grant!"

Probably this one. Unoriginal, but an action-packed greatest hits package that satisfies. Frontier is an underappreciated exercise in world (universe) building, political comment & has brilliant individual elements, the Draconians in particular, but that's all at the expense of an advancing plot.

Boo! Poor, unloved, Frontier in Space!
Coming Soon... The Christmas Invasion
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