We pick up where The Faceless Ones left off: Someone has stolen the TARDIS and the Doctor & Jamie give chase!

They lose the TARDIS but find a mechanic in a garage who they hope can help...
He gives them the name of the firm that picked the TARDIS up: "Leatherman"...
..but as soon as they leave he radios a shifty character nearby.
The Doctor isn't fooled...
Follow that car!
In his antiques store, Edward Waterfield is at home with all the "genuine Victoriana".
Waterfield warns his curious employee Perry to mind his own beeswax.
Perry wonders what Waterfield's plan for the police box is.
At a nearby warehouse, the mechanic, Bob Hall meets his co-conspirator, Kennedy.
Hall refuses to help Kennedy jump the Doctor & Jamie so Kennedy knocks him unconscious.
The Doctor is suspicious of the unconscious Hall, and finds another clue: a book of matches.

With only the book of matches and Bob Hall's cryptic gasp of "Ken..." to go on, they decide they have no other option than to go to the coffee shop, the Tricolore.
Kennedy reports back to Waterfield, who is laying a trap for the Doctor.
Waterfield shows Kennedy some publicity stills of the Doctor and Jamie (from The Highlanders!)
Like Perry, Kennedy can't help being curious about his eccentric employer.
Waterfield deploys Perry to meet "Dr. Galloway" on his behalf...
...then he goes into a secret room hidden behind a bookcase.
Jamie & the Doctor arrive at the coffee shop.
Just as the Doctor senses evil...
...Kennedy is overhearing Waterfield argue with an unseen ally.
Back at the Tricolore, Jamie has a boogie with some ladies...
...then Perry arrives to invite him and the Doctor to meet Waterfield at the shop at 10pm.
Jamie thinks that the "K" in "K. Perry Esquire" could stand for Kenneth!
Waterfield summons Kennedy to help him lay his trap.
Kennedy is soon rooting around for his employer's secrets, though.
...and is too involved in the safe to notice a shape materialise behind him...

The Dalek demands to know who he is...

The Dalek shoots him down when he makes a break for it...
...then fades away.
The Doctor's arrived early to learn as much as possible about Waterfield's brand new antiques. "The early bird catches the worm!"
He warns Jamie not to knock anything over, then does just that, much to the Highlander's annoyance!
He warns Jamie not to knock anything over, then does just that, much to the Highlander's annoyance!
When they realize that all the "antiques" are brand spanking new, Jamie suggests Waterfield could be a time traveller...
As Waterfield gets ready to spring the trap...
...the Doctor grows irate - he wants his police box back!
...the Doctor grows irate - he wants his police box back!
Waterfield enters and spirits them away...
...just as Perry returns with the law. Seems he's got some difficult questions to answer!

The owner of the house, Theodore Maxtible, arrives, Waterfield in tow, to tell him they've brought him back to 1866...

They tried to do it with mirrors... and static electricity. The Doctor knows what that means...
what's is name@busbypass your hair stands on end and a hell of a lot of static from your undies.


Maxtible believes that the Daleks want to isolate the "human factor" that has defeated them previously.
Do they think that it's humans that have defeated them previously, or that the Doctor's human? Surely they should be trying to isolate the Time-Lord factor!
Jamie awakes, and Molly pops up with her patented hangover cure.
Maxtible's daughter, Ruth, fills in some of the blanks before leaving him to rest.
Jamie mooches around to try and figure out what's happened, but is soon attacked by ruffian Toby!
Maxtible's daughter, Ruth, fills in some of the blanks before leaving him to rest.
Jamie mooches around to try and figure out what's happened, but is soon attacked by ruffian Toby!
While the Doctor finds a clue...
...as the Daleks order Maxtible to begin the test.
"The humans have been told to begin the test."
"Any delay will result in death."
"There will be no delay."
Jamie awakes in a nearby barn.
...as the Daleks order Maxtible to begin the test.
"The humans have been told to begin the test."
"Any delay will result in death."
"There will be no delay."
Jamie awakes in a nearby barn.
Toby took Jamie at the behest of Arthur Terrell, who acts very oddly, as if he's under some form of control.
The Doctor arrives, and tells him that Victoria is in fact a prisoner of the Daleks.
Victoria is that rare thing - a classic companion that has her own musical theme.
Victoria is that rare thing - a classic companion that has her own musical theme.
Maxtible has his servant, Kemel, demonstrate his strength to a hidden Dalek.
He then tells Kemel that Jamie has come to the house to do harm to Victoria...
The Doctor reluctantly agrees to help the Daleks discover the "human factor".
3 "blank" Daleks have been brought in cases from Skaro, ready to be imprinted with the Human Factor.
MAW Holmes@MAW_H Still in their packaging which increases their value to collectors, Mr Waterfield.
Maxtible's daughter, Ruth, is puzzled at the hostility between Terrell & Jamie.
Molly does know what it's like with soldiers...
MAW Holmes@MAW_H Splutter! Cough!
Jamie is angry at the Doctor for throwing his lot in with Waterfield.
Jamie doesn't even believe the Daleks are here - he hasn't seen any!
With Jamie suitably wound up to take action on his own, the tests can begin...
Toby demands his money from Arthur Terrell & threatens to tell his tale in London...
...and sets off to take what he's owed from the house. He'll get his, lovely boy.
MAW Holmes@MAW_H "I needs to get into this antiques game... once I've retired from the army, of course..."
Jamie sets off into the closed wing of the house to find and rescue Victoria.
Toby breaks into the house to get his just desserts - at the end of a Dalek's gun.
Jamie finds the way to Victoria is beset with traps and danger... and Kemel!
Jamie & Kemel do battle...
...but when Kemel nearly falls out the window, Jamie saves him.
Kemel returns the favour and saves Jamie from a swinging blade.
Jamie & Kemel forge a truce, united in their aim to rescue Victoria.
The Daleks call Jamie's compassion "weakness" but the Doctor points out that it resulted in Kemel saving his life.
This must be part of the Human Factor, an advantage that aids survival.
The Daleks order Waterfield to dispose of Toby's body.
The silent Kemel writes his name for Jamie...
...and reveals a soft spot for Victoria by showing the flower she gave him.
Maxtible is starting to lose patience with the distraught Waterfield...
The Daleks - and the Doctor - observe as Jamie & Kemel make their way past the traps.
The Doctor adds instinct to the Human Factor.
The Daleks have Victoria cry out her name so that Jamie & Kemel are lured towards her...
Arthur Terrell berates Molly for sneaking around in the dark.
Ruth is troubled by his obssession with Victoria.
Maxtible tries to threaten the Daleks, which goes down well.
Maxtible seems to be losing the plot.
Jamie & Kemel lay a trap of their own to get the Dalek guard away from Victoria.
Jamie & Kemel climb to the gallery where Victoria is held, only to find a Dalek waiting behind the door!
Jamie & Kemel work together to shove the Dalek off the balcony to its death.
Victoria is delighted to see Kemel again, and to make Jamie's acquaintance!
The Doctor takes a break, and bumps into the troubled Terrell.
Terrell doesn't eat or drink - so where does he get his energy?
The Doctor is not slow to clock that Terrell seems to have magnetised a nearby sword with his touch...
"I am not a student of human nature. I am a professor of a far wider academy of which human nature is merely a part. All forms of life interest me."
Terrell suffers headaches & hears Dalek voices when he tries to drink...
He then tells Kemel that Jamie has come to the house to do harm to Victoria...
The Doctor reluctantly agrees to help the Daleks discover the "human factor".
3 "blank" Daleks have been brought in cases from Skaro, ready to be imprinted with the Human Factor.

Maxtible's daughter, Ruth, is puzzled at the hostility between Terrell & Jamie.
Molly does know what it's like with soldiers...

Jamie is angry at the Doctor for throwing his lot in with Waterfield.
Jamie doesn't even believe the Daleks are here - he hasn't seen any!
With Jamie suitably wound up to take action on his own, the tests can begin...
Toby demands his money from Arthur Terrell & threatens to tell his tale in London...
...and sets off to take what he's owed from the house. He'll get his, lovely boy.

Jamie sets off into the closed wing of the house to find and rescue Victoria.
Toby breaks into the house to get his just desserts - at the end of a Dalek's gun.
Jamie finds the way to Victoria is beset with traps and danger... and Kemel!
Jamie & Kemel do battle...
...but when Kemel nearly falls out the window, Jamie saves him.
Kemel returns the favour and saves Jamie from a swinging blade.
Jamie & Kemel forge a truce, united in their aim to rescue Victoria.
The Daleks call Jamie's compassion "weakness" but the Doctor points out that it resulted in Kemel saving his life.
This must be part of the Human Factor, an advantage that aids survival.
The Daleks order Waterfield to dispose of Toby's body.
The silent Kemel writes his name for Jamie...
...and reveals a soft spot for Victoria by showing the flower she gave him.
Maxtible is starting to lose patience with the distraught Waterfield...
The Daleks - and the Doctor - observe as Jamie & Kemel make their way past the traps.
The Doctor adds instinct to the Human Factor.
The Daleks have Victoria cry out her name so that Jamie & Kemel are lured towards her...
Arthur Terrell berates Molly for sneaking around in the dark.
Ruth is troubled by his obssession with Victoria.
Maxtible tries to threaten the Daleks, which goes down well.
Maxtible seems to be losing the plot.
Jamie & Kemel lay a trap of their own to get the Dalek guard away from Victoria.
Jamie & Kemel climb to the gallery where Victoria is held, only to find a Dalek waiting behind the door!
Jamie & Kemel work together to shove the Dalek off the balcony to its death.
Victoria is delighted to see Kemel again, and to make Jamie's acquaintance!
The Doctor takes a break, and bumps into the troubled Terrell.
Terrell doesn't eat or drink - so where does he get his energy?
The Doctor is not slow to clock that Terrell seems to have magnetised a nearby sword with his touch...
"I am not a student of human nature. I am a professor of a far wider academy of which human nature is merely a part. All forms of life interest me."
Terrell suffers headaches & hears Dalek voices when he tries to drink...

...& elsewhere Maxtible hypnotizes Molly, convincing her she imagined Victoria's calls.

Terrell & Maxtible clash over the Dalek plan.
Jamie & Kemel work on a barricade, failing to notice as Terrell snatches Victoria through a secret passage.
Hearing her cry out, they give chase, and when Jamie catches up with Terrell, the two pick up swords to duel.

Jamie gains the upper hand and bests Terrell, who clutches his head in agony at the slightest touch of the sword, as the metal interferes with his mind control.
Victoria is in the clutches of the Daleks, who capture Kemel when he comes to her aid.
Jamie angrily tells the Doctor they're finished due to his collaboration & callous treatment of Victoria.
...but the Doctor reveals why he did what he did - to create Daleks with human sensibilities!
It seems the Humanized Daleks just want to play a game!
This isn't what the Daleks expected at all! The Doctor's tricked them! Well, blimey, what a turn up for the books!
The new Daleks seem very child-like, and want to be friends. The Doctor gives them names.
"All Daleks are ordered to return to Skaro!"
Jamie still has Victoria on his mind.
Maxtible still believes the Daleks will keep their word & share their "transmutation formula"
Chris@KosmicKris the old "I can control the Daleks because I helped them" gambit: keeping Dr Who in plots for 50 years :)
Jamie angrily tells the Doctor they're finished due to his collaboration & callous treatment of Victoria.
...but the Doctor reveals why he did what he did - to create Daleks with human sensibilities!
It seems the Humanized Daleks just want to play a game!
This isn't what the Daleks expected at all! The Doctor's tricked them! Well, blimey, what a turn up for the books!
The new Daleks seem very child-like, and want to be friends. The Doctor gives them names.
"All Daleks are ordered to return to Skaro!"
Jamie still has Victoria on his mind.
Maxtible still believes the Daleks will keep their word & share their "transmutation formula"

Waterfield turns on Maxtible, having overheard Maxtible's deal with the Daleks.
The Daleks leave a bomb to destroy the house & everyone in it as they return to Skaro.
The Doctor & Jamie grab the recovering Waterfield & escape to Skaro in the nick of time.
Maxtible tells Victoria they're far from his house, but she can't really comprehend.
Kemel tries to cheer Victoria and keep their spirits up.

The Dalek city!
The Doctor, Jamie & Waterfield have arrived outside the city, and make their way along a high mountainside ledge.
Maxtible is summoned, and soon cries out as if in pain...
Jamie & the Doctor encounter a Dalek that claims to be their friend...
...but that wasn't the Doctor's mark on its' casing, so he shoves the lying Dalek off the cliff!
The Doctor and his friends make their way into the Dalek control room...
...where for the first time he meets the Emperor Dalek!'
The Doctor has been tricked!
"Without knowing, you have shown the Daleks what their own strength is!"
They've used the "Human Factor" purely to distill the opposite: the Dalek Factor!
"Tonight Matthew I'm going to be a 1960s Police Box."
"Didn't you do that last week? And the week before...?"
"You will take the Dalek factor. You will spread it to the entire history of Earth!"

Maxtible believes the Daleks will show him how to turn lead into gold.

Oh no, the Doctor goes through the archway and is instilled with the Dalek Factor! Or is he...?
A spot of sabotage later and the Doctor has reversed the arch to give out the Human Factor!
Jamie isn't sure whether the Doctor can be trusted and has to take a leap of faith...
The Dalek Factor never affected him at all - he's faking it to get his friends safely released!
When the Black Dalek loses its' rag & shoots 1 of the human Daleks, it all kicks off.
The Doctor directs the humanized Daleks to ask questions of the Emperor & to defend themselves.
Waterfield sacrifices himself to save the Doctor's life.
The Doctor promises the dying man he'll look after Victoria.
The Emperor orders the opposition to be exterminated, as civil war erupts!

Maxtible grows increasingly insane, and kills Kemel by throwing him from the cliff.
The Doctor gives Maxtible the slip...
...and escapes as the city is torn apart.
The Doctor breaks the news of Waterfield's death, but says it wasn't in vain...
...this, he says, was the final end of the Daleks!
The Doctor and Jamie will now be joined on their travels by Victoria Waterfield...

Coming Soon... Planet of Fire
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