Tuesday 30 September 2014

A Scandal in Bohemia

Right from that first shot - what a production. Immediately immersed in the world of Conan Doyle's stories.

We don't start with Holmes, but with two thieves ransacking the house of a lady...

...or trying to, anyway. They're soon seen off by the lady in question and her trusty servant played by Doctor Who stalwart Max Faulkner...

...before Watson arrives to narrate. 

Straight through the door Watson is ordering a cold collation from Mrs. Hudson. 

Watson's been away & expects Holmes to be in a bit of a funny mood on his return. 

Watson suspects Holmes has been on the crack again. 

Holmes is bored, which is bad news for everyone. 

Holmes has received a rather oddly written letter arranging an appointment.

"Only a German is so discourteous to his verbs!" cries Holmes on deconstructing the syntax. 

Pretty sure the paper probably had "Made in Bohemia" in the small print.

Seems Holmes is being paid a visit by the Bohemian Lone Ranger judging by the burglar mask. 

Holmes knew straight away that the Lone Ranger was really the King of Bohemia. 

The King needs some compromising letters back from "adventuress" and retired Contralto Irene Adler.

Seems the King had a photo taken with Adler that showed them scandalously... standing next to each other.  

Of course this is nothing next to the wild times she showed him, but luckily for him there's no photos of that. Just flashbacks.

The King is now about to marry but Adler threatens to send his fiancee the scandalous photo. 

Every last little detail from sets to costumes to actors is an absolute masterclass. 

Glorious on pristine film too. 

They really don't make them like this anymore.

We're treated to one of Holmes' many disguises, as he poses as a horsey workman for hire. 

With his bushy ginger eyebrows he looks a little Androgum-like! 

Holmes removes his make up with no small vigour as he recounts his tale to Watson later.

He soon discovered that Adler has something of a fancy man on the go; One that visits twice daily. Aye aye.

Holmes says Adler has a face "that a man might die for." 

Holmes followed the pair to a church, where he was co-opted into being a witness... to their wedding! 

Well that's surely the King of Bohemia out of hot water, right?

Holmes even made some cash on the job; a sovereign...

 ...which he intends to wear on a watch-chain.

Holmes is cosplaying again, this time as an elderly bespectacled priest. He won't ask Adler where the photo is, she's going to show him, apparently. Watson is mildly diverted.

Some paid-for cockneys start a scuffle and priesty Holmes is struck down.

As intended, Adler takes him into her home... 

Watson throws a smoke bomb in through the window & Adler rushes to the location of the photo. 

She knows straight away that it was a trick though.  

The next day they go to Adler's house, but she's scarpered, and the photo isn't there, just a decoy.

She's left a gloating letter for Holmes though.

Turns out Adler is also a master of disguise & it was her that followed the "clergyman" home last night. 

Adler's letter promises the photo is no longer a threat...

...and we see her chuck it in the sea. 

"Is it not a pity she was not on my level!" laments the King of the snobs. 

And so she will always be "THE woman." 
 Fantastic stuff. 

I've gone the whole thing without stating the bleeding obvious, but Jeremy Brett as Holmes = peerless. 


Coming Soon: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, or as it's properly known, Star Wars.

1 comment:

  1. i've always quietly assumed the actual photograph was far more.... intimate... than that which the Granada TV version suggests :D
